Chapter 35

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Charlie Swan's POV

I jumped off the sofa and hurried to the door, just praying it was Scarlet coming home. I opened the front door and came face to face with... the last person I wanted to see 'Great, what is HE doing here' I thought, missing the small wince from the newcomer, stepping to the side knowing as soon as Bella saw him she will be demanding for me to let him in and sulked towards the kitchen to find myself a beer feeling the full wait of Scarlet leaving almost bring me to my knees. 'Why couldn't it of been Scarlet' I think sadly, dropping myself onto the kitchen chair looking out the window in despair, praying to anyone who could hear him that his baby girl was safe.

Edward's POV

Once I was let inside by Mr Swan I couldn't stopped the wince when his thoughts hit me fall force 'So much grief, at least it's good to know how much he cares for my Scarlet though.' I think sadly, not realising it's the first time he's claimed Scarlet for himself. Walking into the hall way, my eyes followed Mr Swan until he slumped over into a chair, his thoughts echoing my own, 'Hoping that she's safe' I had to remind myself that I'll see Scarlet soon, before making my way to where Bella's scent was strongest just knowing what I'm about to do is the right thing. 'How could I get close to Scarlet, if I had Bella trying to stick her claws into me' I think and I was unable to keep the smile from my face when I arrived into the lounge area.

Bella's POV

Looking up just knowing who was at the door. I could barely contain myself knowing he was here for me. Looking down at what I was wearing I couldn't help but shake my head 'Maybe I should go change quickly before he comes into the room, just knowing he would love me to wear my sexy clothes' I think with glee and hurry off up the stairs, having to hold the banister once I tripped to keep myself from falling down the stair. With a giggle, I look in my wardrobe and find the perfect outfit well aware of what HER boyfriend finds appealing and just knowing Edward won't be able to keep his hands off me. This will get him rethinking about sex after marriage for definite. With a smug smile, I walk down the stairs and sexily walk into the lounge where she knew Edward would be waiting for her.

Edward's POV

As soon as I walked into the lounge area, I saw Bella run off up the stairs. Not really in the mood to see what she was doing I decided to just wait until she came back down to break it off with her. Looking at my watch I see it's 7:14 and see that it's only taken me 10 minutes to get from my house to here 'Fingers crossed this will go quickly so I won't have to keep my Scarlet waiting too long.' I think with a little grin, and decide to text Scarlet to let her know I'm on my way so she won't have to worry about if I'm still coming 'Like I'm going to miss this opportunity to spend more time with my Scarlet.' I think possessively. Taking my phone out of my back pocket, I get distracted at my wallpaper, I could feel my eyes soften before a dreamy look spread across my face. It was an angelic picture of Scarlet whilst she was laughing, her emerald eyes a lit with laughter, her plump reddish lips curved into a massive grin and a piece of her beautiful golden hair delicately falling into her face where I would of done anything just to be able to run my fingers across her cheek and pull the strand of golden hair being her eye. Lost in thought, just imagining Scarlet in front of me. I quickly shake my head and unlock my phone and click on Scarlet's name before typing out.

/To: Scarlet Quinn-Swan
From: Edward Cullen
Sent: 7:15 pm

Scarlet, I'm just messaging to let you know that I'm on my way and that I should be with you shortly. Thank you again for agreeing to coming round mine. It really means a lot.

Best Regards

Your Edward x/

Once I clicked send, I hear clumsy footsteps on the stairs and look up whilst putting my phone away just see Bella awkwardly limping into the room. I frown my brow not knowing what's she doing. I hear Bella make a snort type noise and looked at her face to see she was twirling her finger in her hair, licking her lips whilst staring at me "Are you well Bella, did you hit your leg when you were walking up the stairs" I ask confused, not understanding why she was looking at me with her eyes half closed. "You look awfully tired, maybe popping up to bed and taking a little nap will do you good"I comment before immediately regretting it, just wishing I could break up with her and leave as soon as possible so I could pick up Scarlet. Glancing down at my watch 7:17 pm, lost in thought, he missed the triumphant smirk spreading across Bella's face.

Bella's POV

'I knew he wouldn't be able to resist me in my lingerie' I think proudly, knowing I'm only a few moments away of getting exactly what I want... or should I say who I want. Biting my lip seeing my Edward day dreaming and grinned smugly just knowing he's imaging all the sexual things he's going to do to me. Feeling myself blush at the thought, I sexily glide towards my man and wrap my arms around his neck..or at least tried until Edward stiffened and quickly sped away from me 'Ooh someone must be playing hard to get' I think excited before pouncing in Edwards direction, managing to just graze his arm when he moved again "Bella, we need to talk" my Edward said sternly getting frustrated. "Ohh do we, have I been a bad girl Edward" I say trying to sound seductive but only ended up making herself sound like she's got something stuck in her throat. Again I make my way towards Edward not noticing that for each step I took he moved back two spaces just to make sure he kept his distance.

Other's POV

"WHAT! NO! Not at all, Bella what are you going on about?" Edward says disgusted half pulling his hair out, 'How difficult is it to break up with one measly human' Edward thought to himself aspirated. Finally having enough of wasting time, Edward continued "Bella listen to me and listen clearly because I'm only going to be say this once.. Are you listening to me" Edward half shouts towards Bella. A look of shocked crossed Bella's face with how forceful Edward was being, Bella looked into his almost black eyes and finally stopped moving toward Edward and waited for him to finish impatiently 'Get this out of the way then we can finally go into my room and get down to busy if you know what I mean' Bella thinks gleefully not realising that the news she's about to be given will put an end to her plans. "Bella, I'd like to apologise but we are no longer working out as a couple and I would very much appreciate it if we break up and no longer see each other. Goodnight." Edward says confidently not sounding apologetic at all, before walking out of the Swan residence, closing the door behind him. For the moment no longer needing to be there and started to make his way toward his silver Volvo, not once looking back, ignoring the screech coming from Bella and the sound of her running footsteps heading in his direction and instead looked towards his future. Finally feeling a weight lift from his shoulders, knowing he has succeeded in making one of the best decisions of his life...  Choosing Scarlet.

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