Chapter 48

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Scarlets POV

The next morning I wake to the sun shining down on me through the window and sit up slowly, only to look round confused- almost forgetting where I was until I heard footsteps outside the door. I look over to see the door opening and Rosalie stepping into the room with a wide grin once she saw I was awake. "Morning, did you sleep well" Rosalie asked quietly. "Lovely thank you, how about yourself? I barely even noticed you were sleeping in the same bed as me," I say with a smile, a yawn escaping once I finished, before I started to get dressed and ready for the day therefore missing the almost worried look that crossed Rosalie's face before changing to a smile once more and changed the subject "Got anything planned for today or would you like to spend some time with the family and give us all a chance to get to know one another?" "As long as I'm not intruding anymore than I already have with sleeping round, I'd love to get to know you all, I hear lots of wonderful things from my dad about you and your family, well beside Edward but I think that's just my dad being protective" I say shaking my head with a chuckle 'I wonder how would dad react with both his daughters hanging out with Edward now' with that thought my chuckle turned into a sad smile remembering that her sister was with Edward and any thoughts about him needs to be wiped away. Shaking my head from my thoughts I smile at Rosalie who I noticed was sending a confused look my way but smiled back once she noticed me looking.

Rosalie's POV

Walking into my room I couldn't wipe the smug grin from my face, Bella is finally out of my brothers life and Scarlet's going to be part of the family, never having a thought that Scarlet may not accept who we are just knowing from Jasper's experience with Scarlet when she was little and how she didn't react badly towards him even when she knew he was different but rather stuck by him. I watch Scarlet start to get dressed with a smile on her face, until an almost sad look crossed Scarlet's face, confused I walk closer to try and find out what was the matter but almost as soon as the look crossed her face it was gone replaced with a smile in my direction 'I think something might be wrong with Scarlet, she seems to be upset.' I think to Edward, before I return the smile and grab Scarlet's hand and pulled her carefully out of my room and down the stairs knowing Edward will be impatient waiting in the living room for Scarlet.

As soon as we reached the bottom step of the stairs, Emmett meeting us at the bottom with a chuckle "Morning sleeping beauties, were you comfy in my bed" Emmett said jokingly moving away from my hand that was about to hit the back of his head but couldn't help laughing at the growl Edward gave when Emmett pulled Scarlet into a bear hug 'Possessive are we, dear brother' I think smugly but secretly pleased that Edward has finally found someone who he can be possessive over and that person-thank god isn't Bella. Even the thought of Bella being part of the family brought a growl rising up my chest. Looking over at Edward, when he appeared in the doorway of the living room 'We haven't seen the last of Bella, we are going to have to watch our backs now thanks to you.' I think hating the thought of my family being unsafe especially when being threatened by someone who doesn't even deserve all the attention that has been given to her. 'You should of never told her our secret.' I think bitterly to Edward, seeing him flinch at the venom in my thoughts but he nodded in agreement. "I made a huge mistake with Bella...we just have to hope we don't pay for it especially with Scarlet around now" Edward says at vampire speed, before he started making his way towards us once Emmett stepped away from Scarlet "Morning Beautiful" Edward whispered hugging her himself taking a deep breath of her scent, not giving Scarlet the chance to reply before his hand traveled down her arm until it reached her hand, which he interlocked with his own and guided her through the living room and into the kitchen. Emmet and I followed, where we could hear Esme busy making what seemed to be a different variety of food for Scarlet, from pancakes and English breakfast to cereal and toast. I scrunched my nose up trying to ignore the smell wafting from the kitchen looking over to see Emmett doing the same, Edward having already gotten use to the smell-what with being around Bella for so long.

Scarlet's POV

Following Edward, I was shocked to see Edward's mother rushing round the kitchen cooking breakfast "Morning Mrs Cullen" I greet before taking the offered seat that Edward pulled out for me. "Good morning dear please call me Esme. did you sleep well last night?" Esme says motherly, before placing a couple of plates stacked with food in the middle of the table "I hope your hungry" Esme asked in an almost hopeful tone, I looked up confused but smiled with a nod "I did thank you" I say pleasantly before taking a plate not noticing Edward hadn't let go of my hand until I reached to grab my knife and fork "Oh" I whispered surprised, a blush starting to spread across my cheeks before gently realising his hand and focused back on my plate "Aren't the rest of you going to eat" I asked confused trying to forget how cold but nice it felt having Edward's hand in my own... how comforting. I saw Rosalie, Emmett and Edward look at one another with an almost disgusted look before they all reached out for a plate of their own. Not thinking anything of it, I started to dig in to probably the most fluffiest most tasty pancakes I've ever had "Hmm" I moaned quietly not even realising the reaction from the boy sitting next to her once the noise escaped my mouth. "This is wonderful Esme" I say with a smile seeing Esme's eyes light up with happiness at the compliment.

Edward's POV

Once the moan slipped from Scarlets lips I was relieved that I couldn't blush. I shifted praying none of my family noticed my obvious reaction but knew they did once I heard an almost silent snort and giggle from both Emmett and Rosalie and an almost booming laugh from up stairs. I glared in there direction praying Scarlet didn't hear and ask what was going on. 'I've never felt this emotion from you before' Jasper thought down to me from his room' I wondered if I could die from embarrassment, really hating at times jasper's power. I cleared my throat trying to shake off Jasper's thoughts "Got anything special planned for the weekend or would you like to spend it with my family and me?" I asked Scarlet, hoping I will get the chance during the next couple of days where I can take Scarlet to the side and explain to her exactly who and more importantly what I and the rest of my family are. I can only pray she takes it positively and be willing to talk to us afterwards rather than run away scared. Just knowing that if I was the reason Scarlet was frightened, I would be heart broken.

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