Chapter 33

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Edward's POV

Once the call ended I sped around my room to make sure everything is clean and tidy before I head downstairs to grab my car keys and I run to the car. I don't bother letting my family know where I'm going seeing that they could here the conversation between me and Scarlet and are already aware of me inviting her back to the house. As soon as I'm in my Volvo I turn the engine on and floor it out of the drive way as fast as I could just knowing the faster I go, the quicker I'll be with Scarlet. Just her name brought a smile to my face and it made me realise that I couldn't regret asking her to come round even if their was a possibility of her finding out who or what we are. Even the thought of her knowing doesn't frighten me because for some reason, Scarlet feels like she belongs in my world.. unlike Bella. I know it's horrible for me to think, Bella being my girlfriend and all but she's been nothing but a danger magnet, unlike sweet beautiful Scarlet who not only has a heart warming presence but even her scent allow calms the vampire inside us all. 'She belongs with me' I think to myself just knowing how true it was, with Bella it's always been the thrill of the unknown, with me not being able to read her mind fully, but ever since Scarlet arrived, all the missing puzzle pieces seemed to of clicked into place for me and the unknown with Bella started to crack. Everything I once found special towards Bella has vanished, and that's when I finally realise,  I was only with Bella because her mind was once silence, but when I think deep down could I see myself marrying Bella... I came up blank. 'Did I really love Bella to begin or was it just the feeling of someone being able to block my gift' the more I thought about it the more I came to the conclusion that no I couldn't imagine myself marrying Bella, when her half sister is the one I crave and not just her blood like with Bella, but I want to get to know Scarlet, her likes and dislikes, what her favourite music is and all the other instruments she might be able to play, when she first learnt to play the piano and all the other amazing milestones she has achieved in her life. 'I just want to get to know her as a person, I just want to make her MINE'

Coming up short, just knowing the truth in what I've thought. I want, no I NEED to make Scarlet mine and the only thing stopping me was Bella. I turn the wheel of my car just knowing what I had to do before picking up Scarlet and start to head towards the Swan residence as quickly as I could... to break up with Bella.

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