Chapter 53

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Jacob's POV

After sending the text message to Scarlet, I wondered whether she would reply or even whether she is safe. The more I thought about Scarlet and her situation or at least what I know of the situation I could feel my inner wolf snarling and clawing to get free. Taking a deep breath I finally noticed how badly I was shaking... shaking so badly I didn't even realise. I close my eyes and tried to think of the one thing I knew would calm me down. My imprint, my gorgeous Scarlet, I fill my every thoughts of her, what she looks like - golden brown hair, stunning emerald doe eyes, luchious lips and her small but frankly adorable height, I started to think of all the small memories I have been able to share with her in the short time I have met and known her.

When we met at forks high school, where I saw a delicate young woman admiring my bike, shocking me to no end since she even knew the type of bike I owned and then to my embarrassment I went all giddy for her own car... what I would give to drive it again. Fondly remembering how she calls her car 'her baby'. I remember distinctly when I looked directly into her emerald eyes for the first time and when I felt my whole world change, my every being was now tied to hers, her happiness, her sadness, her future. When I first imprinted on her, I couldn't believe what had happened, that I was so lucky to be able to have such an amazing imprint and every thought I ever had about Bella in the past, was just that in the past and I knew no matter what, I would do anything just to see Scarlet smile. 'She is my life now and I couldn't imagine life without her'. Even the thought brought a pang of pain to my heart and for my wolf to whimper, I brought my hand to massage my chest where I was able to see my shaking had subdued completely, even just a thought about my imprint calms my inner wolf down to submission... but only for her, my Scarlet.

Sitting down with my hand still unknowingly clutching my phone, I remember back to when Embry frantically barged into my bedroom early in the morning. If I remember correctly, it was coming up to 6am and let me tell you- I was not happy to be woken up so early after a long night patrolling, but as soon as my imprints name left his mouth I was on alert in an instant. I waited impatiently for Embry to tell me what was wrong but he just shook his head at me. Confused not understanding the situation. "Is my imprint okay? Embry is Scarlet okay?" I ask trying to get answers without freaking out too much. "I got a phone call from Charlie, Scarlets dad, he sounded extremely worried and just overall tired. I asked what was wrong and if there was anything I could do to help, all he asked was that I made sure Scarlet was safe." Embry started with a frown on his face. Even more confused than before and no less patient I demanded where Scarlet was so I could talk to her, see with my own eyes that she is protected and safe but he said she wasn't there. "Jacob she's not home and she won't tell me where she is, she said that she was at a friends house and that she is safe but it doesn't make far as I'm aware she hasn't made friends so quickly with anyone but the Cullen's at her school and they wouldn't take her to there home, they can't surely that's against the treaty..." Embry rambled becoming more frantic and stressed the more he spoke. It took me awhile for what Embry was saying to sink in but when it finally did I couldn't stop the deep beastly growl from rumbling in my chest before escaping past my lips. I couldn't think straight just thinking of all the stuff the leaches could of done to hurt his imprint if even a drop of blood was spilt. The more I thought of the danger my imprint was in I couldn't control the tremors travel throughout my whole body and knew there was no chance of calming down... too late. The wolf's come out to play, or more importantly... the wolf's come out to hunt and as far as he's aware, there was no stopping him.

That is until Embry, caught me off guard since I forgot he was even present, Embry was able to pin me down with a struggle before sending me calming emotions through the pack bond but I knew it wouldn't stop me. I thrashed, snapping my jaw towards the person keeping me away from saving my imprint from those bloodsuckers not evening caring he was my pack brother. That is until Embry was able to get through to me by projecting all his memories of Scarlet that he can remember. The first memory was of when Scarlet was a child round about 4 years old, her golden locks in two bunches, I could see her running away from a 4 year old Embry with a giggle escaping her mouth before being tackled and pinned to the floor by Embry who then started to tickle her which caused an uncontrollable laughter to escape her small body and for her emerald eyes to light up. Another memory was of Scarlet who seemed to be round about 7 years old and looks like when she came to visit her dad in the summer holidays, playing pretend mechanics with a 7 year old, skinny looking Embry following her around pretending to hand her tools whenever she asked and held her hand out to him. All theses memories flooded Jacob's mind until his wolf slumped on the floor with a wine of happiest, his wolfs tail started wagging at how happy Scarlet was even as a child and the friendship I could see blossoming between her and Embry at such a young age but somewhere deep within I couldn't stop the spike of jealousy running through my veins. 'Where was I during all this time, I knew Embry back then but I never saw Scarlet...Never got the chance to know her back then' I think with a whimper unknowingly projecting to Embry due to our pack bond 'Mate, you weren't there because you were with Bella, remember... no one compared to her in your eyes back then, even Scarlet back then who you may of seen once or twice during her visits to La Push in passing. Bella was your world back then'. Hearing the words echo in my mind I couldn't help but flinch. All that time I've missed where I could of been so close to Scarlet just like Embry, instead I'm a stranger to her, someone who was probably only know as the best friend of Scarlet's half sister. 'Not anymore though mate, she's yours even if she doesn't know it yet, you just need to do everything you can to create your own bond with Scarlet now, one outside of just the boy who was best friends with her half sister. Nodding my large head before resting it on my paws I started thinking about what I could do to make sure Scarlet was safe and see if it's at all possible whether she is willing to meet up and finally give us, more importantly me a chance to get to know one another better...more deeply.

Shaking my head at the memory of this morning, I felt a vibration in my hand and looked down thinking Scarlet May of answered, only to see I received a text message from the last person I wanted to see or even talk to... Bella

/To: Jakey-poo
From: Bella
Sent: 11:05

Hi Jakey,
It's been a while since you've come and seen me and I know how much you must be missing me.

I'm heading down now to come to yours, maybe we can watch a movie or even just go into your bedroom and have some fun...if you know what I mean ;) your dreams and prayers have finally come true Jakey, I'm SINGLE now and I can FINALLY have your HOT body, while you can worship mine preferable with your tongue. I bet you are already so hard just reading this text message but I hope you can hold out until I get there. I can't wait to have you inside me ;) bye for now love. I'll be with you shortly xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Your Bella <3
P.s I've got a surprise for you that I know you will love./

Reading the message Bella sent I couldn't stop the shudder from escaping. 'How have I never noticed how self centred Bella is that she thinks people will just flock to her... that I'll just flock to her?' I think, disgusted with myself that I ever once adored her and that I would of done absolutely anything for her. Checking the time, 11:12am with a small nod I quickly started to pack a small bag, planning on staying round Embry's or another pack member for the night and be as far away from my house as I possible could today and to try and rid of the horrifying imagines that text conjured and a deep growl of disgust ripped through my throat. 'The only person I ever want to think about with me in that way is Scarlet but it's way to soon to even think about it' I think with a sign before reaching the front door ready to leave only to hear light footsteps reached my ears before there was a knock on the door. Confused by being caught off guard by not hearing anyone coming up the drive way until now 'damn I'm too distracted' shaking my head, I hesitated not knowing whether I should answer the door or go round the back. Still debating I started to walk backwards only to have a soft boyish voice call his name "Jacob" relieved I walked to the door and opened it to see Seth grinning at me "Seth" I say relived only for the feeling to be short lived due to my enhanced hearing I could hear the distinct roar of Bella's truck in the distance. Not knowing or even bothering to ask why Seth was at my door, knowing I was running out of time, I looked in the direction to where I knew Bella would be coming and knew I had to be quick. "Seth I promise I'll explain later" I quickly said to Seth before grabbing my packed over night bag and started to drag a confused Seth by the arm towards the back of my house... or more importantly the woods. With a demand of "shift" in Seth's direction, I was pleased to see he did with no hesitation and in his place was a russet coloured wolf.

I prayed that Bella would leave after she notices that I'm not there when she arrives. Then, following my pack mate and I shifted into my own much bigger russet coloured wolf. However deep down I knew that my prayers would undoubtedly go unanswered. I didn't realise how right I was.

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