Chapter 14

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Other's POV

Once the girls arrived in the canteen everyone seem to look over at the pair. Scarlet looked around a bit whilst Rosalie just walked in like she owned the place and gently looped her arm through Scarlets to get her to follow her to grab a tray for the both of them. After pasting a few people the whispers started from "OMG WHAT'S HAPPENING RIGHT NOW" and "WHAT'S ROSALIE DOING WITH THE NEW GIRL" to the cullens table and them all thinking "WE'RE IN A DREAM, EVERYTHING WILL TURN BACK TO NORMAL, WHEN THEY CLOSE THERE EYES AND OPEN THEM AGAIN" however, once the scene didn't change they quickly started thinking 'What could be wrong with Rosalie for her to willingly talk to a human?'

The Cullen's POV

To say they were shocked was unreal. In all their years of going back to school, nothing like this had ever happened. Rosalie makes certain that none of us speak or make friends with humans besides Bella. But she even couldn't stand that and god! does she let all of us know that. Hearing a laugh the Cullen's look back at the pair and they all almost fell off there seats when they saw Rosalie was laughing. 'WHAT' rang through all the Cullen's head. Turning round the Cullen's beside Edward who was still watching the pair with his mouth hanging open, all gave each other a look wondering whether their was something wrong with Rosalie for her to act this way towards a human or whether Scarlet herself was more of a mystery than they thought.

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