Chapter 28

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Embry's POV

"Jacob Black, aww he misses you" I say with a laugh, looking over a Scarlet for her reaction I see that she looks a little confused "I don't remember giving him my number, did you give it to him? Is he okay? We only just left him 10 minutes ago" Scarlets rambles worried, wondering what could have happened for him to message her after only a short while. Shaking my head I say "I didn't give it to him, you know I would always ask you first before giving out your number."

Scarlet's POV

Nodding I take the phone from Embry's hand, I click on the message to see what Jacob wrote and I couldn't  help but smile gently and what I read.

/To: Scarlet Quinn-Swan
From: Jacob Black
Sent: 12:00

Hey Scarlet, I hope it's okay that I took your number from Embry's phone. I know you and Embry only left about 10 minutes or so ago but I just wanted to say sorry that I couldn't come with you and Embry to the cafe. Believe me, I wish I could of came. I was really looking forward to getting to know you better. Since you've now got my number you can message  me whenever or if ever you like.

Ps. I'll always be here for you x/

Rereading the text message, i click the reply button

/To: Jacob Black
From: Scarlet Quinn-Swan
Sent: 12:05

Hiya Jacob, you know you could of always asked for my number instead of being sneaky. Oh well, I'm glad you've got my number now we can hang out more and you can probably stop pestering Embry about seeing me all the time (: We can always go to the cafe another time, how about the weekend if your free, we could spend time getting to know each other?? Let me know... x


I press send, putting my phone back into my pocket and look at Embry to see a soft look on his face "What" I questioned tilting my head to the side a little. "Nothing, nothing at all" Embry replies with a boyish grin, like he's hiding something from me.

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