Chapter 26

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Rosalie's POV

Not knowing what Edward was doing, I was still pacing in front of Jasper, not knowing who I was trying to convince myself or Jasper, why messaging her would be a good thing or not "It couldn't hurt could it, just one little message to see if Scarlets okay, but then what if she takes it in the wrong way and gets insulted" I say in a panic, not even Jaspers powers seem to be working on me."WHAT DO I DO" I exclaim loudly with a hint of hysteria. "Alright, alright Rose, calm yourself. Your getting yourself all worked up over the silliest things" I glare at him "Hush don't argue with me, your being dramatic, if your worried so much just message her saying you would like to catch up again, see simple" Jasper says aspirated.

Thinking over what Jasper just said I couldn't help but agree. Reaching out towards my phone I unlock my phone and click on Scarlets newly added number and press the message icon

/To: Scarlet Quinn-Swan
From: Rosalie Hale-Cullen
Sent at: 18:25 pm

Hiya Scarlet, it's Rosalie. I hope your doing okay. It was lovely getting to meet you at school and I hope we definitely get to catch up soon. Speaking of which I was wondering if you would like to meet up over the weekend, spend a little girly time and go shopping?  
Let me know if or when you can/

"See that wasn't so hard" Jasper says with a smirk whilst running out of my room. With a small growl I chased after him.

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