Chapter 4|| Rumour Has It

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Walking down the college hallway, it was obvious everyone had heard the rumour about me and Luke. I could feel people's eyes on me, whispering and laughing but I ignored it, if people were willing to believe crap like that then I wasn't going to waste my time on them. I found Courtney stood by her locker with a couple of Luke's friends; Calum and Ashton. She had a huge crush on Ashton and turned into a bumbling idiot whenever he was around; it was sickening. 

"Hey Court" I greeted her, interrupting their chat. 

"Oh hey! Wasn't expecting you to be in" she replied, flashing me a quick smile. 

"Is it true about you and Luke?" Ashton asked out of the blue. I stared up at him wondering whether to dignify him with an answer or not but his facial expression wasn't like the others; he wasn't judging me or jumping to any conclusions, he looked concerned. 

"No not at all" I sighed, "Not that it matters, nobody will believe me anyway" 

"I believe you" Ashton replied, a cute little smile spreading across his face. I wasn't sure whether he was playing games with me but I couldn't hang around to find out, I knew I had to go and find Michael before we went to our first lesson. I excused myself and strolled through the halls, finally catching a glimpse of the green streak in the crowd. I knew it was him; nobody else was strange enough to have their hair like that. 


He turned towards me and then looked away, putting his back to me. I grabbed his arm and turned him around, "My bag is in your car. Can I get it?" 


"What? You can't say no. It's my bag!"

"I just said no though didn't I?" A little smile crept onto his face, he was toying with me and I really wasn't in the mood for it. 

"Fucking hell, you're hard work. Just give me my bag back!" I pouted and folded my arms, testing out whether this would work on Michael the same way it worked on my dad. 

"You're not gonna get your own way with me. I want an apology" 

"An apology for what?"

"Throwing up out my car door and then acting like a complete bitch when I checked to see if you were okay" Michael raised his eyebrow, saying this like I should already know what I had done wrong. I hadn't acted like a complete bitch though; I had just found out that I had almost been raped and my reaction was totally justifiable, why couldn't he see that? I did need my bag though....

"Fine" I took a deep breath, I wasn't used to this apologising lark. "I'm sorry"

"Okay, come with me" Michael took hold of my wrist and led me through the hallway, completely oblivious to the fact that everyone was watching us. Even Courtney looked shocked to see the two of us together but I threw her a quick glance and mouthed out that I would explain later. 

"Get in" he ordered, nodding towards the car.


"Let's skip college and go somewhere. Take your mind off things" Michael sat in the drivers seat and looked up at me, hoping I would accept his offer. I stood there for a moment debating what to do; I really couldn't be bothered with the hassle of college but I wasn't sure I wanted to spend a full day with Michael. I didn't even know him. 

"Come on! Live a little" he reached across and slid his sunglasses onto my face, an unfamiliar smile spreading across his face. 

"Okay, screw it" I climbed in beside him and opened up the glove compartment to look through his CD collection. 

"Not a chance" he said, slamming it shut. I looked up at him, baffled. "You're not picking the music" 

Before we even had the chance to set off I caught a glimpse of Luke strolling across the carpark without a care in the world and I jumped out of the car and ran towards him. I took hold of his arm and his eyes widened at the sight of me. His right eye was still kind of swollen and bruised; Michael must have hit him with some force. Good.

"Why are you spreading lies, Luke?" 

"Don't know what you're talking about, Autumn" he shrugged, pulling his arm away from me. 

"Really? You're an ass, Luke. I never expected you to be like this... I know what you did to me and you better hope and pray I don't tell anybody the truth" I hissed, poking my finger into his chest. His blue eyes softened and he took hold of my wrists.

"Autumn, I didn't mean to take it that far, okay? I was drunk and a couple of the guys dared me to spike your drink and-"

"Oh and if they told you to jump off a cliff, would you?" 

"I know. I'm stupid... I'm sorry, okay? But I can't tell people the truth, it will ruin me. You understand that, right?" Luke tried to explain himself and for some reason a part of me felt sorry for him. I dropped my shield and gave him a weak smile.

"Tell them what you want, Luke. I couldn't care less... Guess it doesn't matter to you what these rumours will do to me" 

As I was about to turn away I felt a hand on my waist and I looked up to see Michael stood beside me; his eyes locked onto Luke who was now looking a little bit nervous. 

"Stay the fuck away from her" Michael warned, pushing Luke backwards. 

"Leave it, Michael"

"Trust me pal I will be staying away from her" Luke replied, strolling off into the distance. I scowled in Michael's direction; annoyed that he had got involved. He didn't offer any sort of apology but instead dragged me back towards his car like I was some sort of naughty child. 

"Can we go now or you got any more vendetta's to catch up on?" Michael asked sarcastically. I didn't bother replying so he took that as a yes and started up the car, driving away from the college. 

"Where are we going?"

"You'll have to wait and see"

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