Chapter 9|| Back to you

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Dad must have sensed that I was upset because his way of cheering me up was to give me back my car keys; which came in handy because we were back at college in the morning. I jumped in the shower after my long walk back in to town and then decided to send a quick text to Courtney, I knew I had to apologise. I had been wrong about Michael and pushed her away because of him. She didn't reply but I hadn't expected her to, so I spent the rest of the night catching up on the coursework I had left until the last minute. My mind was elsewhere though, I couldn't stop thinking about Michael and his harsh words. I couldn't quite understand why he was making such an effort to be around me if he thought so little of me? There must have been more to it... 

When 7am finally made it's way round, I hadn't slept a wink and the sound of 'marimba' echoing through my ears was the last thing I wanted to hear. I swatted my phone off the side table and onto the floor and rolled out of bed, catching a glimpse at myself in the mirror and shuddering; I looked like death warmed up. The cold, hard wood of my bedroom floor was soothing against my aching feet; that walk yesterday had really tired me out but hadn't helped me to get to sleep any easier. Michael soon entered my thoughts; I wondered what he would be doing right now... Would he even be awake? Would he even turn up to college? I had to concentrate on getting dressed; I wasn't going to allow myself to be distracted by him anymore. 

"Are you up sweetie?" my dad asked, tapping on my bedroom door. 

"Yeah, just about" 

"I've left you some poptarts out on the dining room table, I have to set off now darling" he popped his head around the door and blew me a kiss. I gave him a quick wave and grabbed some clothes out of my wardrobe, nothing too fancy because the truth was, I didn't really care about impressing anyone now. 


"Hey Court" I crept around her and flashed her my best smile but she was having none of it. She had been standing with Ashton and Calum but as soon as I arrived she strolled off and left me alone with them.

"So you and that Michael kid, huh?" Ashton asked; he was always so nosey about my personal life.

"Courtney told you then, I guess?"

"Yeah, she's pretty mad with you" 

"How does someone like Michael pull a girl like you?" Calum inquired, leaning back against the lockers and smiling down at me. "I didn't even know you guys spoke"

"We didn't. Not until recently... Listen, I don't really wanna talk about it. Especially not you guys. No offence" I sighed, catching a glimpse of Michael's green stripe in the crowd. I didn't want him to see me or feel the need to approach me so I had to come up with something... 

"So you guys, uh, doing anything tonight?" I find myself asking. 

"Nothing planned, why? You got something for us to do?" Calum's face lit up. 

"Well, my mum's out of town and my dad's working late so you guys can come over if you want?" I regretted my offer immediately after it left my lips but once I caught eyes with Michael it spurred me on even more. He was stood by his locker across the hall, watching my every move. 

"Bring your swimming shorts" I giggled, patting Ashton on the chest like a complete loser. I could see Michael's lip twitching as he watched; I could see it was affecting him but I didn't want to stop. I wanted to hurt him like he had hurt me.

"That sounds awesome! Want us to bring any beers?" Ashton asked, a smile spreading across his face. 

"On a college night?" Okay, I probably sounded like a right loser. "Um, yeah sure" 

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