Chapter 5|| The Hideout

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I was becoming more and more anxious the further we drove out of town; for the past five minutes we had gone past nothing but trees and empty country roads.

"Seriously though, where are we going?"

"It's not much further" Michael replied, finally switching the radio station over to something a little more light hearted. We had been listening to heavy metal for the whole journey and even though I was quite partial to a bit of a rock and roll, this was too much. 

"Yeah but that doesn't answer my question" 

"Okay we're here!" he beamed, pulling into a small gap in the trees. I squinted into the distance and could just about make out a small wooden building, it looked as though it was about to fall to pieces. Michael got out the car and walked around to my side, holding the door open for me and keeping his hand outstretched. I took it reluctantly and allowed him to pull me out of the car; he led me towards the small building. The windows were smashed, the wood was rotting but once we stepped inside it was like a completely different place. There was a small sofa in the corner with a red plaid throw across it, a fluffy red carpet stretched out along the floor and a vintage television was neatly tucked away in another corner of the room. 

"What is this place?" I asked, strolling over to a guitar that was lay across the floor by the sofa. 

"I come here to getaway from it all sometimes" 

"On your own?" I couldn't help but notice a pair of frilly knickers hanging on the back of the door, hopefully Michael didn't think anything like that was going to happen between the two of them. What if this was the place he brought all girls back to and had his way with them?

"Usually on my own, yeah"

"So you wear pink, lace underwear?"

"They're my exes. Couldn't be bothered reaching up to throw them out... Don't flatter yourself" he added, raising his eyebrow towards me and slumping back onto the sofa. Michael tucked into his jacket pocket and pulled out what looked like a joint. "I know what you're thinking... That I've brought you here for sex but trust me, you're not my type"

"Excuse me?" I was kind of offended, not that I was the most beautiful girl in the world but why wasn't I his type? Michael was a weirdo, loner who listened to screamo music and hid away in an abandoned shed like some creepy axe murderer. He'd be lucky to have someone like me. 

"What is your type?" I found myself wanting to know and I wasn't even sure why.

"For starters I can't stand snotty little rich kids who listen to pop music and think the world revolves around them. Plus I prefer blondes" Michael smiled at that last part, trying to ease the blow of his insult. 

"Well for starters, I'm not a snotty little rich kid. My dad is rich, not me. I didn't ask for that did I? And so I don't listen to your shitty screamo music or dye my hair blue, so what? There's things you don't know about me, Michael. A lot of things..." 

"Why do you care?"

"I don't" I huffed, sitting down beside him and avoiding eye contact. 

"You do and you know why? Because you think everyone should like you, Autumn but newsflash, you're not all that" 

"Why did I even come here with you? For all I know you're some creepy serial killer" I threw my fist into his arm and got to my feet, so angry with everything he had said. Nobody ever gave me a chance; all people could see was my dad's money and that was never going to change. "And you know what, Michael? You're not so great yourself... You try to act like you don't give a shit and you think you're better than everyone which is why you're always alone and you deserve to be!" 

I stormed out of the crooked door and out into the wilderness, my bag was still inside Michael's car and I had no idea how to get back but right now I was too mad to even give a shit. I could hear footsteps behind me but I refused to turn around, I couldn't even stand to look at him. Who did he think he was? He just comes crashing into my life, sending off mixed signals and then he brings me out to a creepy abandoned shed in the middle of nowhere to tear me apart. I didn't have the time for people like that... 

"Come back inside" Michael sighed, grabbing hold of my arm. I pulled away from his touch and pushed him in the chest, my eyes burning into his. "Don't be all stroppy on me. I'm just telling you the truth... You said some pretty mean things but I'm not crying about it, am I?" 

"Why are you doing this? If I'm really that bad of a person why are you even trying? Just fuck off! I don't want to be around you anymore!" 

My head crashed against the leaves as Michael threw himself on top of me, our lips colliding with such force that it literally took my breath away. For a moment I lay there in complete shock at the feel of his tongue inside my mouth and then I sunk my teeth into it. Michael let out a cry of pain and pulled back, his eyebrows furrowing at me. 

"Why did you do that?" he asked, dabbing his tongue with his finger and checking for blood. 

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" I crawled from underneath him and got back onto my feet, refusing to take my eyes off Michael who was still lay on the ground. 

"I dunno, was just testing the water" 

"Oh my god, you are a complete arsehole! Just leave me alone!" I started to walk away again and Michael soon caught up to me, walking alongside me.

"How you going to get back?"

"Don't know"

"Do you even know the way?"


"Want me to drive you?"


"Come on Autumn, come back inside. I won't speak from now on, okay?" he stepped in front of me, his green eyes softening as they looked into mine. I really wanted to go home but the truth was, I was in the middle of nowhere and had no way of getting back so staying here with Michael was my only option. I didn't bother replying, I just turned back around and rushed towards the shed. The two of us sat side by side on the small sofa in complete silence and Michael sparked up the joint. The smell was so strong, I covered my nose from the fumes and began to cough. I saw Michael roll his eyes at me but out of common courtesy he started blowing the smoke out towards the window. 

"Want some?" he held it out underneath my nose. I watched it burn down a little and then I took it from his hand, holding it between my fingers like I'd done it before. Michael was watching me as I pulled it up to my lips and took a small drag; the smoke hit the back of my throat much smoother than I expected and I blew it back out, flashing a smug grin in Michael's direction. He had definitely expected me to choke. 

"You smoke?" he questioned her, seeming a little bit shocked.

"Maybe" I shrugged, avoiding a direct answer. My plan from now on was to distance myself from this boy, I didn't want him to know anything else about me, he had gotten me completely wrong anyway. 

"So you're a secret badass, huh?" 

"No, I'm a pop princess apparently" I hit back with sarcasm, taking another hit from the joint and then handing it back to Michael. 

"Well princess, I'm finally realising there's more to you than meets the eye" 

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