Chapter 16|| Coming To Blows

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I don't know how long I had blacked out for but when I woke up the blood had dried around my hand and my skin was pale and clammy. Sweat was dripping from my forehead and all I wanted to do was go home but that didn't seem a probability anymore. Why hadn't Michael been back yet? Maybe this was another lie he had told me, I couldn't trust him anymore. Deep down I knew that.
"Ahh you're awake" Peter smirked, stepping out from the darkness of the corner. "How you feeling?"
"How am I feeling?" I repeated, unable to believe the audacity of his calm tone. "How do you think I'm feeling? You fucking chopped my finger off and have me held hostage in a shitty little basement!!!"
Peter sat down on a chair in front of me, still smirking slightly. I cradled my hand in agony, losing my vision again slightly as panic started to settle in.
"The finger is on it's way to your dad so once it arrives I expect a payment within an hour and you can be on your merry way."
"Where's Michael?"
"That's none of your concern" Peter replied, his eyebrows shaping into a frown. He tossed a bottle of water across to me and got back to his feet. I watched him leave the basement before reaching out for the water, my whole body was aching and I needed something to keep me going, even if it was just fluids.


"Autumn?" Michael's soothing voice echoed through my ears, I forced my eyes open and managed a small smile. Even though he wasn't completely forgiven the sight of him was comforting, he was my only way out of this mess so I was going to have to trust him.
"What's all this blood? What have they done to you?" Michael panicked, pulling me up from the ground. He let out a gasp at the sight of my bloodied hand, his eyes brimming with tears as he glanced up at my face. "I'm so sorry... I'm so sorry this is happening to you. I'm going to make it right, okay?" I allowed him to take hold of my face, the feel of his warm breath against my skin was soothing. I closed my eyes and breathed him in, trying to remember what it was like to be with Michael before all of this.
"I love you Autumn Travis" he whispered to me. I thought for a moment he was going to kiss me and I was going to let him but instead he got to his feet and stormed out of the basement, leaving the door open behind him. I struggled on to my feet, still a bit dizzy from the blood loss and I rushed out after him. I didn't make it very far because as I got to the top of the stairs Tony was smiling back at me. I caught a glimpse of Michael pinned up against the wall but before I could call out to him Tony shoved me down the stairs, making sure I hit every single one on the way down.


"You can't do this any more! I won't let you!! You fucking cut her finger off dad! She's a human being , you can't do this!" I yelled, keeping a firm grip on both of his wrists so he couldn't swing them at me.
"Listen boy I'm going to get that money even if it means killing this girl! You need to sort your fuckin' priorities out. Family is all that matters! Do you wanna see me in jail, boy?"
"Family didn't mean anything to you when you got mum killed did it?" I whispered, watching his reaction with a slight hint of joy. It still pained him and I was glad of it. He deserved to let the guilt eat him up, every single day. I knew my words would spark a reaction, so feeling his knuckles collide against my eye socket was something I had been expecting. This time I fought back, I had to if I wanted this to stop. I pushed him backwards and threw a punch back at his face, catching him on the lip. He sniggered at my attempt, "Now then boy, you're going to have to do better than that"
Dad reached across the table to grab one of his empty beer bottles and before I could react he swung it across my face. The glass cutting into my skin. I felt the warmth of my own blood trickle down my cheek but I wasn't going to let him stop me. I had to save Autumn. I had to be the person she had always believed I was. I tackled my dad to the ground but within seconds he was on top of me, his fist crashing against my face again and again. I threw my arms up to try and shield myself but the blows just came in harder and harder, dazing me slightly.
"You know what, Tony? I give you permission to go and have your wicked way with that girl. My boy needs to learn his lesson. Maybe we should make him watch?" Dad chuckled, grabbing my shirt and pulling me up just so he could slam my head back against the ground.
"STAY AWAY FROM HER!!!" I cried out, feeling the anger bubble up inside of me. I grabbed onto dad's neck, allowing my fingernails to pierce his skin as I thrust him down against the ground. "If he touches her I'll kill you"
"Oh but Mikey, I thought you were better than me? Turns out you got the same damn temper as your father!" My dad stared up at me, a smirk appearing on his face. I wanted nothing more than to shut him up for good, release all the anger that had built up inside of me but I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction. I wanted to prove that I was different. I wasn't my dad.
I climbed off him, giving him one last kick before turning away.
"No Peter. I'm nothing like you." I muttered, heading back towards the basement to make sure Tony hadn't laid his grubby paws on my Autumn. I could see him, leaning over her... She was kicking and screaming, trying her best to fight him off. My foot hadn't even settled on the first step when I felt a searing pain through my head and I crashed down the steps, landing on the cold ground. Before I had the chance to get back up, my dad was hovering above me, still smiling.
"You're right boy. You're nothing like me and that's why I'm here and you're lying on the ground" he laughed to himself before throwing more punches at my face. I could hear Autumn shouting my name, I could hear her crying. My eyes focused on my dads face, which appeared from behind his fist every couple of seconds. Each blow was getting more and more painful, my eyes gradually closing... I needed to fight. I needed to protect Autumn but yet again, I'd failed...

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