Chapter 15|| Inner Turmoil

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(Autumn's POV)

Another several hours of being alone in the darkness had passed; my mind was whirling with the thoughts of Michael... I couldn't just switch off my feelings for him, we hadn't known each other long but I had truly believed he had feelings for me. I couldn't imagine Michael being able to act out those feelings if they weren't real but what did I know? I felt so stupid...

"Brought you a drink" Michael's voice echoed down the stairwell, as he wandered into the basement and then sat on the floor opposite me. He slid the can of coke towards my hand but I shuffled backwards; he couldn't get round me that easily. 

"Please drink something, Autumn" he pleaded, his eyes burning into mine. A part of me wanted to believe that he cared about me but I was too scared now, too scared to trust him ever again. My mind had been constantly racing for two days straight, I had no idea what was going on with my dad or if he even had the money to set me free... I imagined him and mum heartbroken at home and all I wanted to do was hear their voices. 

"When can I go home Michael?"I asked, taking him by surprise a little bit. His face softened and he reached his hand out to touch my knee. I flinched away from him and narrowed my eyes, why did he think it was going to be that easy to get round me?  

"As soon as I get the chance to get you out of here, Autumn. I just have to wait for the right opportunity... My dad's watching me like a hawk, he doesn't trust me"

"I guess nobody does then" I retorted, crossing my arms and shuffling back against the wall. "You know what Michael? I thought I was in love with you" 

I don't know what made me admit it to him but I just felt like he deserved to know what he had done. Michael's big green eyes were glued onto mine, I could see that it had struck a chord with him but I just wanted to see his reaction, I wanted to hear his side. Deep down I wanted to hear him say it back.

"I am in love with you" That was all he said and then he scurried out of the basement and closed the door behind him, leaving me in the silence to gather my thoughts. 

(Michael's POV)

I ran straight into my room, unable to face my father anymore. I had just told Autumn that I loved her because the truth was, I did and I had to make things right. I had no idea how I was going to get her out of the house and to safety but that was my main aim now. 

"MIKEY BOY, GET IN HERE!" My dad's voice boomed in from down the hall and I immediately jumped to my feet, frightened in case he had heard my thoughts. It was obvious he had been drinking again but there was no surprise there, he spent most of his life drunk and always had. "I need you to go down to the store for me" 

"Dad, I thought I was-"

"Let me rephrase that. You're going down to the store for me. I'm all outta beers" 

I didn't put up an argument because there wasn't really much point, it would have only ended in a black eye and a damaged ego as per usual. I was about to ask for the money when I realised he was expecting me to pay, so I made my way outside and started walking towards the store, making sure to keep my head down. 


I spun around and came face to face with Ashton, Luke and Calum who didn't look too happy. Words failed me, I was never any good at making conversation but now I had something to hide I was even more awkward than usual. 

"Bad about Autumn, huh? I hope she's okay." Ashton spoke up, his eyes burning into mine as if he was throwing a silent accusation my way. 

"Did you see her the day she went missing?" Luke asked, raising his eyebrow suspiciously. Even looking at his face made me mad. 

"What the fuck are you getting at?"

"He's just asking man, chill out" Calum intervened, glancing up from his phone for a moment. 

"Why are you getting so defensive? What did you do to her?" Luke questioned me, this time taking a step closer and getting up in my face. I felt my fists clench automatically but I somehow managed to hold back, I didn't want to draw any more attention to myself. 

"What did do to her? I wonder if your little friends here know how you really got that black eye a couple of weeks ago" I smirked as Ashton and Calum's eyes flickered towards Luke, who was now looking more nervous than me and it felt good watching him squirm. 

"What's he talking about, Luke?" Ashton stared up at him, looking confused. I knew I should probably hurry into the shop and get back but I wanted to see how this panned out; I wanted to watch Luke come up with some lame ass excuse and most of all I wanted to watch as I told everyone what he was really like. 

"I have no idea! Probably trying to change the subject because he had something to do with Autumn going missing... Listen, Michael I think you should go"

"Oh you do?" I smirked, "Well your buddy here attempted to rape Autumn and if I hadn't walked in that night I think he would have" After saying those words I walked away, leaving them in a stunned silence. Luke Hemmings had got his comeuppance. 

(Autumn's POV)

"So it turns out that father of yours is having a little bit of trouble getting the money together. I warned him what would happen if he messed me around but I don't think he cares" Peter smirked, taking hold of my face and pulling me towards him. The smell of whisky was overpowering and I clamped my eyes shut, unable to look at his face for any longer. Tony was loitering in the background, practically drooling over me like he had from the very beginning. "Now I didn't want to do this, Autumn. You have to know that, okay?" Peter signalled for Tony to come towards us, which he did immediately and slammed a knife into Peter's hand, keeping his eyes fixed on me. I bit down on my lip to try and stop myself from showing any emotions, it was something I had been really good at so far. Peter took hold of my hand and pushed it against the cold floor, spreading my fingers apart. I pulled it away and shuffled backwards to get away from him, hoping and praying Michael would make an appearance and put a stop to all of this. 

"Don't make this any harder, Autumn. I don't want to miss and accidentally cut your hand off now do I?"  Peter was really enjoying himself as he took hold of my ankles and dragged me back towards him, taking hold of my hand again. I tried to fight him off but Tony approached me from behind and managed to pin me down; his knee pressing onto my arm so that I couldn't move it. The cold blade of the knife pressed against my finger and I stared up at Peter, my heart pounding and my palms sweating. What was I supposed to do now?

"Please, don't do this! My dad will get you the money!" I pleaded, slightly disappointed with myself for caving in. 

"I don't want to but I have to" he shrugged in reply. Before I could say anything else he sliced the blade through the delicate skin of my little finger and pushed as hard as he could. The pain was nothing like I had ever experienced in my life; my whole hand was throbbing and I could feel the warmth of my own blood circling around my hand. 

"DON'T. PLEASE STOP!" I screamed, unable to look away as he severed my finger off completely. Everything went numb, I watched Peter  pick up my little finger and get up to his feet. I watched as my blood soaked into the sleeve of my jumper and that's when my ears started  ringing, my eyes were blurry and I could feel vomit burning inside my throat. Had this really just happened? I was frozen to the ground as Peter and Tony got up to leave me alone once more; the realisation of just how serious this was hit me like a tonne of bricks. What would happen if my dad couldn't get the money? Yeah, he was rich but I wasn't even sure how much they had asked for... How far were they willing to go to get it?

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