Chapter 7|| Midnight Visits

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Waking up beside Michael was a strange experience; I lay there for a little while wrapped up in his arms and watching him sleep. He had put his jacket over me in the night to keep me warm and as I looked down at his bare arms I noticed several bruises scattered around on his skin. I trailed my fingers across them, wondering how he may have gotten them but his eyes shot open at my touch and he flinched backwards. 

"Morning" I smiled down at him, his hair was stuck up in all sorts of places and it was kind of adorable. Michael reached across to grab his jacket and slid it back on, covering up his arms seemed to be his top priority. 

"We should get back" Michael said, getting on to his feet and grabbing his packet of cigarettes. I lay still for a moment wondering why he was in such a rush; I had enjoyed spending time out here in the peace and quiet. It was a great place to just forget about everything. 

"Can't we stay for a little bit longer?"

"Won't your dad be worried about you?" Michael asked, pushing the front door open and lighting up his cigarette. "Want one?"

I shook my head, "No thanks and yeah he probably will be but I'm sure another hour won't make a difference" 

"We're not staying for another hour so get up" 

"What's got into you?" I asked, fastening up my converse and approaching him at the door. He had reverted back to his distant self which was hurtful, they had gotten quite close last night but Michael was making it clear that it had been a mistake. 

"Get in the car" 

I did as I was told and climbed in, kicking my bag to the side so I could squeeze my muddy feet in beside it. The drive home seemed much longer; Michael hadn't said another word to me and as much as I wanted to ask why, I didn't. When he pulled up at the corner of my street I grabbed hold of my bag and opened the car door; Michael gripped onto my wrist and pulled me back so that we were face to face. I couldn't take my eyes off his lips; they were so appealing right now. Much to my disappointment he didn't kiss me nor did he say anything, he just kept me there for a moment before releasing me. 

"Bye Michael" I managed to say, looking back in at him as I shut the door. He offered me a quick smile and sped off into the distance. 


"Where the hell have you been young lady? If you want your car and your phone back you're going about this the wrong way!" my dad yelled the moment I walked through the door. Mum was working away again and it was obvious he had taken the day off work to await my return, something he never did. I was a little bit upset with Michael's cold attitude towards me so I didn't really want an argument, I pushed past him and headed upstairs but he followed after me.

"Autumn? You owe me an explanaination!" 

"Dad I'm 17 for God's sake! I stayed at a friend's house, is it really that big of a deal?" 

"YES! You could have let me know"

"HOW WHEN YOU'VE TAKEN MY PHONE FROM ME?" I snapped, slamming my bedroom door shut in his face. I threw myself onto my bed and groaned as dad walked in behind me, still chasing after an argument. 

"Autumn I know you're 17 and want to go out with your friends but you can't just disappear like that. I worry about you, you're my little girl" he sat on the bed next to me and patted my leg. 

"I'll let you know next time, okay? Can I at least have my phone back so I can get in touch with you when I'm out?" I stared up at him and batted my eyelashes, allowing a little smile to spread across my face. I watched the corner of dad's lip twitch, he couldn't resist my smile and eventually he allowed one to break through.

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