Chapter 11|| Unfamiliarity

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(Michael's POV)

Waking up next to Autumn was strange; she was snuggled up in my arms, her hair all over my chest and her legs entwined with mine. It was a good kind of strange, something I'd never pictured happening between the two of us. I'd had plenty of girls in the past but I had never stayed the night because I'd never wanted to. It was different with Autumn though and I couldn't quite understand why, I remember the first time I lay eyes on her at college. She was surrounded by all the popular kids, wearing her rayban glasses and carrying a Louis Vitton handbag like she was some sort of queen. I hated her immediately but the longer I watched her, the sooner I realised it wasn't all about her looks. Over the day I had witnessed her talk a group out of bullying one of the new starters; guide a small rabbit away from the college field so that it wouldn't get hurt and stop to pet every single dog that walked by her. Something about her reminded me of my mum, the way she cared for everyone and everything around her, the way her laugh would literally fill the room but most of all, how she was like a living, breathing Disney Princess. 

I watched her sleep for a little while, playing with the strand of loose hair that had fallen onto her face. I couldn't take my eyes off her and I think maybe she could sense it because within minutes she opened her eyes and gazed up at me. 

"Good morning" she whispered, her voice sounding beautifully soulful. 

"Morning" I replied, shifting my arm from around her and leaning up against the headboard. Autumn mirrored my movement, clearly forgetting that she was still naked from the night before. I couldn't help but glance down at her chest and she quickly pulled the duvet up to cover herself. 

"You can't go all shy on me now! Not after last night" I winked, having a little flashback of Autumn grinding away on top of me, losing herself in the moment. For such a sweet and gentle girl she sure knew how to fuck. 

"Don't" she sighed, covering up her face. I pulled her hands away to see that her cheeks had gone pink, it was adorable. 

"Don't be embarrassed. I really enjoyed myself and by the sounds of things, you did too" I couldn't help myself, I enjoyed teasing her and watching her little nostrils flare as she started to lose patience with me. 

"Michael! I don't want to talk about it... I don't even know what came over me" 

"You wanted a slice of this" I chuckled, lifting up the covers to flash myself to her. "I'm just joking with you, we don't have to talk about it if you don't want to but I do want to talk about breakfast" 

"Oh really? You going to make me some?" Autumn smiled, suddenly easing up and nestling underneath my arm. I flinched at first; unfamiliar with morning cuddle etiquette. 

"If you want food poisoning then sure... I was thinking we could go out for something to eat?" I suggested, wanting to be out the house before any of her parents noticed I was there. Autumn seemed to like the sound of my idea and hopped out of bed, grabbing some clothes out of her wardrobe. I watched her get dressed and snuggled back down underneath the duvet; I always struggled getting out of bed. 

"Come on then lazy bones or we're going to be getting dinner instead of breakfast!" Autumn ordered, walking across and dragging the duvet away from me. "Shit! I forgot that you were naked! Put some clothes on and then we can go!" 

"Can't I go like this?"



We found a little cafe in the centre of town and the two of us hid away in a corner. Autumn ordered a small portion of scrambled egg on toast whereas I went all out and ordered a full english. Every now and again she would reach across to take some off my plate and surprisingly enough, I didn't stop her. 

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