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1493, Bulgaria.

The woman watched as her prey scrambled for safety. Holding her dagger in her hand, she watched as her victims eyes were drained of hope. Eyes unwavering, she tightened her grip on the sharp blade, pressing it slightly into her hand and let dark blood drip to the floor. The man gazed up at her, tears welling in his eyes she watched as he collapsed onto the mud infested ground. Shaking his head desperately he tried to sway her, tried to change her mind but she just glared. Letting her long, dark locks of ringlets fall from her hood she watched the man's eyes widen as he knew it was her. 
"Nadia? Nadia why are you doing this? Please let me go, I will not tell anybody!" The man half whispered as he tried to beg for his safety. He glanced around the empty darkened street for anybody who could help him, but found no one. He was alone.

"I'm afraid I can't let you do that; you must know that I don't want to do this. I don't have a choice! My family and I shall starve if I don't." Nadia said pitifully.

"Are you... Are you being paid to kill me? Are you an assassin?" The man asked, his voice continuing to tremble uncontrollably. 

"I....I can't tell you that!" Nadia said her voice slightly shakey.

"Why? Nadia please let me help you, I won't tell a soul what you do..."

"No! Stop asking questions, I can't answer you so please stop! I just can't!" Nadia said, nearly dropping the knife.  The man opened his mouth to speak again but, fearing what he would say Nadia quickly pushed the knife into his pounding heart. Unable to watch his die, Nadia picked up her plum coloured skirts and ran. 

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