Deyan took in a sharp breath. He had hardly eaten anything for days and his veins felt like sandpaper rubbing togthor with each weak heart beat. Anka was virtually dead. Her cheekbones were like knives poking out of her thin skin and her ribs were like a prison for her struggling heart. Deyan couldn't take it, seeing her like this he had to help her emotionally or physically he had to do something.
"Mother." Deyan said through a croaked voice. Anka didn't even react. "Mother please I need you." Small tears were now dropping slowly from his eyes.
"D...Dey...Deyan." Anka said barely even opening her eyes. Those few letters made Deyan happier than anything had in a long, long while.
"Tell me you are ok? Please tell me your alright!" Deyan said scraping his short, bitten nails across the floor to get back to his mother once again. As he reached he dare not hug her in case he crushed her so he just grasped onto her skinny and massageed them with the edges of his thumbs.
"Deyan I need you to promise me something. I need you to promise me that when all this is over, whether I am still here or not, that you will find your father and you will tell him that I love him and to take care of you. I cannot bare the thought of you being parentless. As for Nadia tell her that I hate her so much for what she has done, what she has done to our family. Tell her that she has made me dread the thought of ever letting you near her again. Tell her how she has destroyed any trust I have for her and that she does not deserve to call herself a Nikolov. But also tell her that I love her. That in my mind she is still my beautiful baby girl and that she always will be. But most of all, every single day here after keep on telling yourself that you are the strongest man to ever walk the earth. That you have the heart of a lion and of a swan, and tell yourself that I love you more than anything in the world, that you are my world." Anka said before opening her eyes to see her son balling buckets of tears.
"Mother you will make it through this and when you do you can tell Nadia all of those things yourself! She will be so pleased to know that you still love her perhaps as much as I am!" Deyan said smiling gleefully. They were going to be ok, he was sure of it.
"Deyan I love you so much. You must do whatever you wantwhen you get out, whatever you want my darling!" Anka said looking more alive than she had in weeks.
"I want to go home mother."
Hey Guys!
First little note from me!
I just want to say thanks for all the reads and votes!
Also , on this chapter I was listening to the song 'Home' by gabrielle aplin I think it really describes this book! Check it out!
If you have a moment have a look at my other book 'Who's crazy now?'very diffrent but I am sure you will love it!
Keep reading, voting, commenting and maybe even following ;)
Adios :)
padfootgirl24 xx

She's The Beautiful Devil
Historical Fiction"Love is what binds us, fulfills us, destroys us." The year is 1493 and Nadia is on the run. Sent from her home in Bulgaria to kill a wealthy lord in England, she is running from the most dangerous man on the planet. With her family sent to deat...