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Today is the day that I'm probably going to meet Asa. We need to go in to have a make up and costume check to make sure that we aren't allergic to anything and that our costumes are the right size.
I've already met Ian and some of the other cast and they're all so nice. My trainer is amazing and he's quite impressed with my abilities.

We start filming in 2 days and we've been here for 3 weeks now but apparently after Canada we need to go to Atlanta to finish filming which Paige forgot to tell me (she's my assistant for this film).

"Text or call me if your skin feels irritated or red cause I don't want to be using thing that you're allergic to" Kirsty the makeup artist said.
"I will but hopefully I'll be fine" I said as I laughed and hugged her.
"That's me done for the day but I'll see you in a couple days, yeah?" I said as I picked up my bag and jacket.
'I'm glad I haven't seen Asa today' I thought to myself.
"Lucky for some but yeah I'll see you then." Kirsty said with a laugh.
"Oh who have you still got?"
"Asa Butterfield then I'm done for the day."
"Oh right, well I should be going." I said quickly as I headed for the door and almost ran out of there. I looked back at the door as I walked down the corridor until I bumped into someone.

"Oh I'm sorry I wasn-" Shit.

"Jemma" He said and his face light up and his arms were on mine after we bumped into each other.

"Asa." I said with a blank face and moved back so he wasn't touching me anymore.

"How are you, I haven't seen you in ages, you never called."
My eyes widened in shock and I tried to contain my anger.
"Are you shitting me right now?" I said as I looked at him.
"Asa you were the one who never called me, you completely cut me off and you never even said why!"
"Jem that's not what happened you never called me back I-"
"Ah Asa is it okay if I see you know for your makeup test or have I interrupted something, I'm sorry" Kirsty said as she stuck her head out the door.

"No,no Kirsty you didn't interrupt anything, I was just leaving." I said as I glared and started to walk away from him but he caught my arm and pulled me back.
"Please Jem, let me explain, I promise it's not what you think." His eyes looked almost sad, which made it impossible for me to say no to.
"Fine meet me the cafe on the next block at 8 tonight." I said and took my arm back.
"See you then" And he walked back and gave me a small smile.

One Day⌲Asa ButterfieldWhere stories live. Discover now