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"Shut up no you didn't!" I shouted at Ian. We were all sitting on set taking a break and chatting about very random things.
"I'm telling the truth! It actually happened." He said as he took a sip of water.
Sebastian continued "So you're really trying to tell us that you've kissed Kit Harrington?"
"That's exactly what I'm telling you! Drunk truth or dare is a dangerous game I tell you." Ian said.
"Damn I'm kinda jealous." I said frowning.
"I think he's a tad bit too old and in a long healthy relationship." Asa said as he patted my head which he knows annoys me.
"I will slap you Asshat." I retorted.
"Ooh jealous are we" Sebastian joked but Asa looked a bit annoyed.
"But I think the question we all wanna know is, is he a good kisser?" Lea, another one of the cast members said.
Ian paused for a second and said "It almost turned me gay that kiss."

"So what's the deal with you and Seb?" I asked Asa as we were about to start filming a scene but waiting for the lighting to be fixed.
"What do you mean, we're friends." He said as he took a seat on the couch that was part of the scene.
"Well sometimes you seem a bit, I don't know, annoyed at him I guess?"
"What no, I'm probably just tired that's all." He said with a reassuring smile.
I didn't fully believe him though.
"What about you and Seb, you two seem quite close." He asked me.
"Seb and I are friends, he helps me train and with lines that's all, he's a cool guy. Why'd you ask?"
"Oh no reason."
Before Asa had a chance to ask what my 'mhmmm' meant the director shouted for us to start.

"Hey Jem, how was your day?" Seb said as he came up behind me and took a seat at the table in the canteen.
"Not bad, I'm a little sad that we only have 2 weeks left of filming though. How was yours?" I said as I took a muffin and sat down across from him.
"Same." He said and took a bite of my muffin so I gave him an 'excuse you' look.
"Oh I have a question to ask you."
"Ask away." I said.
"What's really going on between you and Asa." He said bluntly.
"What do you mean?" I said, having a little dejavu from my conversation with Asa earlier.
"I mean, it's clear that you both really like each other but you aren't doing anything about it. Why?"
"Wh-no-w-what? N-no I don't what are you talking about. Ace and I are best friends." I said to him trying but failing to hide the truth.
"Don't lie to me Jem" he said smiling but it turned into a smirk "I can see the amount of sexual tension between the 2 of you."
"SEB! No there is not! I do not ha-"
"Jemma stop lying"
"I'm not"
"You are"
"You are"

*flashback-2 weeks ago*

Paige and I sat in our living room watching reruns of Parks and Rec when she randomly turned to me and said "How long have you had a crush on Asa and don't even try lie, I can tell when you do."
It took me by surprise a little, so I tried to lie my way out.
"Paige I have no idea what you're talking about, I have no romantic feelings for Asa." I said to her.
"You have romantic feelings and sexual feelings towards him don't lie." She said hitting my arm.
"You know what I'm tired I'm going to bed goodnight pa-" I tried to stand up but Paige yanked me back down and gave me 'the glare'.
'The glare' is the look that Paige gives you when you know that there is no escaping and you need to talk to her.
"I don't like him like that! I mean yeah we talk a lot, we go out just the 2 of us, I can trust him with anything, he's really cute, he can make me laugh all the time, his nerdyness is also really cute, and oh my gosh I like Asa. Like really like him."
"Yeah girl!"

*end of flashback*

We stared blankly at each other until Seb spoke up.
"So we've established that you both like each other so what are we gonna do about it."
"Excuse me what do you mean 'what are we gonna do about it'" I said to him, biting into my muffin.
His mouth opened in shock and pointed at me which confused me a lot.
"You admitted it!" He shouted.
"N-no I didn't I just forgot to deny it." I said with a mouth full of muffin.
"Jemma seriously!"
"Fine I like him. But he probably doesn't even like me back like that."
"He is head over heels for you"
"How do you know!"
Then Seb gave me another one of his famous smirks which confused me...again.

Sorry that I've not been updating I've been really busy with school.
Please remember to vote for my chapter!!

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