chapter 02 | very very very

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"you can do this, c'mon i believe in you."

"thanks hyung but i really gotta go now," youngjae laughed as his brother ruffled his hair with a small smirk.

"i'll be waiting for you, over there," he pointed at the bench beside the kimbap stall, "i'm sorry for what i've said at first; now go and show them what you've got!"

youngjae waved goodbye and nervously proceeded to stumble towards the building with 'jyp entertainment' stamped on its front. the front guard immediately stopped him, doing his job as youngjae shuffled through his bag and found the printed version of his audition details.

with a nod of approval; youngjae moved onwards, his heart viciously leaping out of his ribcage. nicely, he asked the woman at the main reception about his required whereabouts and she instructed him politely to follow the 'audition hall - this way' signs before handling him his name printed in bold and a couple of pins so that he could tag it onto his shirt.

courteously he bowed and followed the arrows down the corridor. his feet marched onwards while his eyes found themselves lost in the awards and advertising banners that decorated the walls.

a series of titles encircled him as well; names that he could recognise in his sleep. 2am and 2pm. jay park and wonder girls. missA and baek ayeon. jj project and 15&, so on.

so engrossed in his thoughts, youngjae suddenly slipped back to reality when he heard a girl's voice sounding behind him.

"aye nabongs! hurry up or they'll run out of tteokboki!" the owner of the loud voice was a tall girl with short hair, her eyes wide as she motioned her hands to move faster.

she paced quickly but in contrast; the figure she called out to trudged behind tiredly.

"im nayeon!" the tall girl exclaimed.

"jeongyeonie i can't run any more—" she panted with a laugh.

"this child," jeongyeon rolled her eyes (with nayeon's protests of 'hey! i'm older than you!') before jogging back to her friend and picking her up: piggy-back style. "happy now?"

"very," nayeon grinned with a laugh, wrapping her arms around the girl's neck securely, "now hurry up or momo-ah will eat everything and there'll be nothing left by the time we get there—"

and as the two girls disappeared in an opposite direction; youngjae couldn't help but be amused.

there were often stories about horrendous and unfair trainee lives, but if you have close friends, does it really matter?

friends, youngjae thought. bonds within a group, something just as precious as the hardwork put into the music side of it all. a family, he smiled.

but shaking his mind awake, he urged onwards - attention plastered onto the signs as his heart continued to roam loudly.

his destination: was a studio-room that he entered through an open door, half its walls as mirrors, matched with wooden polished floors. a row of unfamilar people entered youngjae's panel of vision. two women sat by one side, chatting lightly and drinking cold-coffees. in addition, a young, tall boy stood by the corner; playing around with a fancy recording camera as he changed its lenses.

and as they noticed his arrival, youngjae couldn't help but stutter and bow in introduction, "sorry for an early appearance. i'm choi youngjae, i have an audition appointed for today—"

"—oh yes, yes," one of the women looked down onto the table; her eyes scanning the applicatiom form before her. "vocal speciality?" she checked as youngjae replied with a small nod. "great, so you have a little while to warm up before park jinyoung-nim arrives. then we'll listen to you, and yugyeom-ah over there will record you," she pointed at the tall boy who looked up with a small wave.

youngjae smiled politely and thanked the woman, walking a bit further into room, he began to hum lightly; slowly and gently to not strain his nerve-wrecking throat.

from do-re-mi's to semitone rises, and a murmur of lyrics, youngjae grew more anxious by second.

"hey, um youngjae-ssi?" the boy who's name must have been yugyeom called out to him behind the camera.

"—um, yeah?"

"i know i'm too young to give out advices but just enjoy the moment and forget about the worry it causes," yugyeom smiled, "you've already made it this far, so don't give up on this chance."

appalled, youngjae could only bow his head in polite gratitude, "thank you yugyeom-ssi, i shall do my very best."

"that's the spirit," the taller boy raised his fist in a supporting manner, "now here comes park jinyoung-nim—"

verse 2 is so lit

written: july 31, 2017
published: august 14, 2017

니카 ✿

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