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Okay, I know I'm already working on another book, but I just couldn't wait to publish this. I'm so excited, this is my favourite think I've written so far!!!

The snow fell softly onto the ground as the grounds keepers rushed to finish their daytime chores.

The castle was in a frenzy, getting ready for Prince Edward's eighteenth birthday. It was a big day for a royal, so of course it had to be a big celebration. Not that Prince Edward cared much about it, he just saw it as another year of his miserable life.

Eighteen for Prince Edward meant marriage. An arranged marriage, to a woman he doesn't love, hell, he doesn't even know the girl! Okay, okay. He met her once, but that was when they were like six.

But now it was time that the prince should be married and ascend the throne.

The woman by his side would be none other than Princess Audra of France. They've been arranged to be married since birth, with France being a close ally with England at this time.

If Prince Edward was to be completely honest, he didn't want to get married, and if it was up to him, he probably would never marry. For he doesn't believe in this thing called love, that, or he just doesn't think he'll ever have the luxury of finding it, being the future king of England after all, he pretty much had his whole life set out on a silver platter for him.

So, starting next week, on the 17th of February, Prince Edward's life takes a turn, and whose to say that's the worst thing that could happen?


"Oh, perfect you're up!" Imogen gasped as her son walked into the dining hall for breakfast.

"Yes, I was so rudely awakened by your servant, what is it that you need mother?" Prince Edward asked, still quite tired from just being shaken awake only minutes ago.

"Oh, was Jane rude to you again? I have been trying to tell her to stop talking to you the way she does, I mean, you will be her king in a matter of months. She needs to learn some respect," Imogen rushed out, putting her hands on her hips as she stared at her son.

"Its alright, mother. What urgent matter do you need me to attend?" Edward asked, his eyes scanning the hall for any clues as to why he's here.

"Well, Princess Audra will be journeying over here in a few days, as you know, and I just wanted to make sure things were perfect," Imogen said, looking around the beautifully decorated hall, proudly.

"What does this have to do with me?" Edward asked, biting his lip. All of this is just a little too much for him, especially at this hour.

"Edward, you need to be more involved. Get your head out of your thoughts and join us in planning the arrival of your queen!" Imogen scolded.

"Alright, sorry mum," Edward sighed, looking up at his mother from the ground.

"Just please, make sure the food is all sorted out," Imogen sighed.

"Yes, mum," Ed mumbled, turning to leave the dining hall. He sighed as he made his way to the kitchens.

"Oh, good morning, Sir," Lisa, the head lady in the kitchen greeted the prince with a smile.

"Good morning, Lisa. My mother sent me in to check on the food preparations for the party," the prince said, chewing on his bottom lip.

"Oh, they're going well darling, tell her not need to worry!" She said, smiling at him.

Edward chuckled, "Will do. Thank you, Lisa."

Ed turned to leave, but Lisa grabbed his wrist, halting his movements. "Is there something else that you needed, Lisa?"

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