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Prince Edward followed Wendall back to the castle, fear and worry ran though his head. What if it was Kara? He thought. It had to be her...she was with Cameron.

"Are you sure you didn't see the body?" Ed asked for the millionth time.

"Yes, Sir. I am very sure I didn't see the body," Wendall told him.

"If it's her-"

"Don't think like that, Sir."

"I can't help it," Ed sighed, running a hand though his hair in frustration.

"I'm sure she's fine," Wendall told him, biting his lip. He really hoped Kara was alright...if she wasn't, Prince Edward would have his head on a spike.

"You better be right...I can't lose her," Prince Edward mumbled, running up the steps into the castle. He saw a whole crowd of people upon entering the corridor.

"Sir!" A woman yelled, running up to them, "there another dead girl! Another one!"

"I'm aware of you know who it is?" Ed asked, looking up at the distraught woman, she shook his head.

"N-no Sir, I don't," she said shakily. "But- but...I seen her...and she looks like she was mauled, Sir."

Prince Edward took a deep breath, walking past the woman and over to where to the crowd of people were standing. Wendall followed, they pushed though the sea of people. Once Prince Edward got a look at the body, he knew it wasn't couldn't have been.

"Sir...I don't think that's Kara," Wendall whispered, leaning into the prince.

"I know," Ed sighed, "who is it then?"

"No idea, Sir," Wendall said, looking down at the body.

"Then find out," the prince snapped.

"Yes, Sir...but what are you going to do?" The servant asked.

"I have to find Kara," Ed told him, turning to walk away as the knights arrived to clean the mess off the floor. "She's with him, and he's killing people. She could be next and I can't allow that."

"Of course not, Sir. I'll come to you with any information I find," Wendall said, scampering after the prince down the hall.

Ed stopped and turned to his servant. "Thank you, Wendall. Really."

"Of course," Wendall smiled, the prince nodded, continuing his way down the hall. Prince Edward ran up the stairs and down the hall where Cameron's chambers were located. Ed loudly knocked on the door, listening for any movement inside. But there wasn't one was in there. He took a deep breath, opening the door himself, and slowly walking in. It was dark and cold inside, sending shivers down the prince's spine.

"Hello?" He whispered, closing the door behind him. "Kara?"

No answer.

A gust of chilled wind blew though his hair, causing him to wrap his arms around his body in order to try and maintain some warmth. He looked around, noticing an open window on the other side of the room, the prince furrowed his eyebrows. Something wasn't right...why would Cameron leave his window open like that? Prince Edward walked over to close it, his eyes scanned the dark grounds for anything that stood out. Ed shut the window, turning back to scan the room once more.

He walked over to the large table in the middle of the room, it was still full of food, it didn't even look like it'd been touched. Something caught his eye though, the tipped over glass of wine. Ed picked it up, putting it up to his nose so he could smell it. He scrunched his smelled different, something had to have been put in it.

Prince Edward set the glass down, frantically looking around the room, if Cameron poisoned Kara...what did he do with her body? Then he remembered, the window. He had to have taken her out to the woods. The prince ran to the door, throwing it open, he took down the hall at a run, catching the servants attention. He ran into Wendall at the bottom of the stairs.

"Sir, what's happened?" He asked, grabbing the prince's arm.

"He's done something to her...poisoned her," Ed said, trying to catch his breath. "I have to find her."

"How do you know he's poisoned her?" Wendall asked.

"The wine. It smelled different," Prince Edward told him.

"Smelled different? Sir, that could mean anything," Wendall said, raising his eyebrows.

"No, Wendall...I know it's some kind of poison."

"How do you know, Sir?" Wendall asked, following the prince as he continued down the hall.

"Because, I tried to use it on my father once," Prince Edward mumbled. Wendall's eyes widened.

"You tried to kill your father?"

"No, I tried to put him's like a very long sleep...that, yes, if untreated could lead to death," Ed told him. "So, we have to find Kara and wake her up."

"How do we do that?"

"The nurses have to have something," The prince sighed, turning down a separate hall.

"What do you think Cameron wants to do with her?" Wendall asked, trying his best to keep up with the prince's fast movements.

"I have no idea...did you find anything on the dead girl?"

"Oh, yes. Her name was Angela...and get this, she was sleeping with your father," Wendall said. Prince Edward took a sharp breath.

"We need to find all the women that my father is sleeping with and get them to a safe place...I just really want to know why he's suddenly killing all of these people."

"So your mother doesn't find out," Wendall said, earning a look from the prince. "It's just a suggestion."

"Yes, but that doesn't explain why he's after Kara. You know he tried to get her to convince me that taking Scotland as my own country was a good thing?" Prince Edward chuckled.

"Maybe he knows," Wendall told him, "how you feel about her."

"," Prince Edward said, deep in thought. "He would have done much worse than calling her into the throne room."

"Hence why Cameron drugged her...what if this is a message from your father?" Wendall suggested.

"That doesn't make any sense," the prince breathed.

"What about it doesn't make sense, Sir?" Wendall asked, looking at the prince in confusion.

"Why her? Why not me?"

"What good would that do your father...if you're dead, who will run his kingdom?" Wendall said, like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"What if this has nothing to do with my father?" Ed asked, biting his lip in thought.

"What?" Wendall asked.

"What if Cameron knows something...I mean, he has some kind of feelings for Kara. What if he took her to keep her away from me? I don't think he'd kill her."

"That's a good thing, right?" Wendall asked, cocking an eyebrow at the prince.

", its really not," Ed sighed. "I have to find her right now...Wendall."

"Why? What am I missing? What is he going to do to her?" The servant asked, picking up his pace to keep up with the prince.

"He's going to make her wish she was dead."

Omg, I haven't been writing in a while. I've been suffering for horrible horrible writers, my apologies if this chapter sucks.


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