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The prince sighed as he trudged up the stairs, today just wasn't one was his. He'd just had another argument with his father about Scotland. Ed had gotten nowhere in trying to convince his father to back away from Scotland, he was losing, badly.

King John had gather an army consisting of eight companies this morning, they were gearing up for a surprise attack on Scotland in the morning. There was nothing Prince Edward could do about it, so many lives will be lost...their own soldiers, Scotlands people, innocent people. He felt so helpless.

And to make his day a thousand times worse...when he reached the top of the stairs, he saw Kara and Cameron. He felt his face getting hotter with each passing moment, the anger and jealousy was almost unbearable.

He growled lowly as he blew past them, and into his chambers, slamming the door shut. Prince Edward sat down at his desk, breathing heavily. He hated Cameron...he would bask in the glory of seeing his head on a spike. Ed has some kind of feelings for Kara, and even if he didn't know what that meant, he didn't want that piece of slim on her, or anywhere near her for that matter. He ran a hand though his hair, taking a deep breath.


Meanwhile, Kara had heard the prince pass by, she hadn't expected him to...and she wasn't necessarily happy that he did. But maybe it was a good thing, if Prince Edward thought she felt nothing towards him, it would be a lot easier to stay away from him.

"Um, I should probably's getting late," she rushed out, looking up at Cameron. He gave her a soft smile.

"Of course, I'll see you in the morning then," Cameron whispered, rubbing her arm up and down.

"Yeah," she mumbled, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear, she was starting to feel extremely uncomfortable. "Goodnight."

Kara turned to leave, glancing back at the prince's door before heading down the stairs. She never thought she would feel something for a prince...the prince of England...more importantly, her sisters fiancé.


The next morning, Kara slowly made her way downstairs to find Cameron waiting for her at the bottom. "Ah, Good morning, I was wondering when you would wake," he smiled, extending a hand out for her as she reached him.

"You were...waiting for me?" Kara asked, cocking an eyebrow as she reluctantly took his hand.

"Yes, of course," Cameron smiled, guiding her down the last few steps. "I have a meeting with the king and I thought it appropriate to greet you when you woke."

"You have a meeting with the king?" Kara asked curiously, "why?"

"Unofficial business," Cameron said, dismissing the conversation with the flick of his hand. Kara took a deep breath...what was this 'unofficial business' Cameron had with the king?

"I was wondering," Cameron continued, "would you maybe like to have dinner with me tonight?"

"Dinner?" Kara asked, her eyes widening at the question.

"Yes," Cameron smiled. Kara opened her mouth, getting ready to politely decline his offer...but then she thought, maybe Cameron is up to something...and if he was, she could find out if she got close enough to him.

"Why not," Kara said, shrugging her shoulders.

"You will?" Cameron asked, a smile breaking out on his face.

"Yeah, I mean...I like dinner," Kara smiled.

"Lovely," the Nobleman smiled, "Well, I must be getting to the king. I will see you tonight."

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