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Three years later-

King Edward walked down the vacant halls of his castle, the moonlight being his only source of light. His boots clicking on the ground being the only sound. He hummed quietly as dragged his fingers across the cold stone walls. His cape blew behind him as he quickly made his way down the stairs. The corridor was dark, not a light to guide him. He sighed, walking over to sit in his throne. The kingdom has been his for three years now, and nothing has gotten easier like he'd hoped it would.

Luckily though, taking Vincent and his father off the map was simple enough for him, they did indeed try and take him off the throne. But failed inevitably as King Edward had masses of men guarding and watching his every move. So, he could sleep peacefully knowing those two were long dead.

"Darling?" Audra came into the dark room. "What are you doing awake at this hour?"

"I couldn't sleep," he sighed, twisting his lip between his thumb and forefinger. "What are you doing awake?"

"I heard you get up," she mumbled, walking up to sit in the throne beside him. She took his hand in hers, squeezing it. "Are you still having the nightmares?" King Edward looked down at their hands, her ring that he had given her a few years ago shimmered in the moonlight shining through the window.

"Yes," he whispered. "They only seem to be getting worse."

Audra sighed, "Just come back to bed...try to get some more sleep."

The king took a deep breath, getting up from his throne to follow Audra back up to their shared chambers.

"Try to get some more rest," she whispered as they got back into bed. The king nodded, turning onto his side, he looked out the window. The moon casted looming shadows over the woods, the trees looked dark and intimidating. King Edward sighed, closing his eyes, letting the sleep take over.

He looked between them. This decision was life or death. Everything seemed to be moving in slow motion as the ran and screamed in chaos. The prince stood there, his mouth wide open as he argued with himself to make a decision. He took a deep breath, drawing his sword as he ran down the castle steps and into the crowd. He tore through the people, and finally...he saw him. Prince Edward raised his sword, charging after the man standing in front of him.

He smiled as he struck Vincent through the chest. He gasped for breath as he fell to the ground, dead. The prince pulled his sword out of Vincent's chest, looking up just in time to see Kara being dropped to her death. He dropped his sword, falling to the ground along with it.

Suddenly, everyone disappeared. It was just him and Kara there now...and his father, who was stood up on the balcony, laughing. Prince Edward couldn't tear his eyes away from Kara...she was just...hanging there. Dead.

King Edward shot up in bed, breathing heavily. Outside the sun was shining and people were laughing. The king, ran a hand through his sweaty hair as he peeled himself from his bed.

"Morning, Sire," Wendall chirped, causing the king to jump. "Another nightmare again?"

"Yes," Ed sighed, sitting down at the table. "I long to see her again, Wendall. I thought she'd be back by now."

"I know, Sire," Wendall mumbled, pouring the prince some water. "I did too."

"Then why isn't she?" King Edward sighed, putting his head down on the table. "I feel like her being gone is the reason for my nightmares."

"Maybe it is, Sire," Wendall smiled, handing the prince a plate of food. "Eat. You've got a very lengthy meeting with the towns people this morning."

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