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Prince Edward sighed as he made his way down the hall to the princesses room. She has been in English court for over a week now, and you'd think that maybe, just maybe Ed had warmed up to her...but no. If anything her being here made him feel worse. Princess Audra was snotty and mean, as expected, I mean, she is from French court, everything about them screams ego.

"Where you off to, brother?" Matthew asked, coming out of nowhere.

"To visit the princess," Ed said quietly.

"Mm, is she nice?"


"Aww, little brother, are you feeling sad today?" Matthew asked, sticking his bottom lip out at Ed.

"Can you please go away?" Ed asked, shooting daggers at his brother.

"Sadly no, father has me on hall duty," he sighed, smiling over at Ed.

"Really? He never puts you on hall duty...thats like, the knights job," Ed said, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Yes, I have a feeling it has something to do with your mother," Matthew sighed, looking down at his feet.

"Yeah..." Ed mumbled, biting his lip, "I'm so sorry about she treats you."

"Its alright, I've gotten used to it," Matt shrugged.

"But you shouldn't have to have gotten used to it...she just makes me so angry sometimes," Ed said, shaking his head at the thought of his mother and Matthew's relationship. They turned a corner, entering another hallway, Prince Edward stopped in front of a door.

"This is my stop," he sighed, turning to Matthew.

"I'll talk to you later then, brother. Good luck," Matt smiled.

"Thanks, mate," Ed smiled, knocking on the door as Matthew turned to leave. The door opened right away, revealing the princess, dressed in a long purple dress.

"Hello, Edward," she said, bowing.

"Hello," Ed smiled, she moved aside so he could walk into the room.

"Was that your brother?" Audra asked as she closed the door. "Your fathers bastard son?"

"Uh...Matthew, yes that was him," Ed said, clearing his throat. "You have a sister, don't you?"

"Yes," she said, flipping her hair off her shoulder as she sat down on her bed. "But we don't talk about her...father says she's a disgrace to our family."

"Oh," Ed said, not knowing what to say, "my mother says the same thing about Matthew."

"Really?" She asked, twirling a piece of hair around her finger.

Ed nodded, "mhmm."

"Well, if I'm to be honest, I agree with them...I mean, they aren't royals, and they've also split up so many royal families, they are a disgrace," she said, struggling to pronounce all of the words due to her strong accent.

"I don't feel that way, my bothers family. He's blood," Ed said.

The princess shrugged, changing the subject, "I'm feeling like a walk, care to join me?"

"Sure," the prince said, offering her a small smile, she returned it, looping her arm though his as they exited the room.

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