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Princess Audra was arriving on English soil tomorrow.

Prince Edward was terrified to say the least, I mean, he was meeting the woman he was to spend the rest of his life with tomorrow.

Edward picked at the thick wood of the large dining table as he waited for his mother and father to enter the throne room. Nerves ran though him like water in a the river. He tapped his foot nervously, biting at his short nails.

Finally, his father burst into the room, his mother hot on his heels.

Prince Edward quickly stood up, almost knocking his chair over in the process.

"What's going on, why have you summoned me?" Prince Edward asked nervously, looking between his mother and father.

"Well," his father sighed, walking over to sit across from him at the table. Prince Edward could sense something was wrong. He slowly sat back down, looking at his mother.

"What's going on?" He asked her as she sat by his father.

"We're going to have to push the wedding back," his father said, leaning forward to cross his hands on the table.

"What do you mean?" Ed asked, biting his lip as he starred at his parents.

"Something has come up," John said, his voice low. "I am going to be out of the country for a few weeks dealing with matters in Scotland."

"What kind of matters, what's happened?" Ed asked.

"There's been an uprising, Protestants from the north have caused some issues that need to be dealt with," King John sighed.

"What about Queen Degees, can't she deal with that?" Prince Edward asked out of curiosity, not the fact that his wedding had to be postponed...he was thrilled about that.

"Well of course," his mother chuckled, "but you can never trust a Scott to get the job done, let alone correctly." (I mean no offence to the Scottish).

"I have already sent the message to the queen that I will be departing early tomorrow night," King John said.

"Does that by any chance mean the princess isn't coming at all?" Prince Edward asked, biting his lip hopefully.

Imogen let out a breathy laugh, "don't be ridiculous, of course she is!"

Ed sighed, looking down at his lap. "Of course. I'm sorry. Is that all?"

"Yes, you may be excused," his father said, Prince Edward nodded, quickly getting up.

"Ed?" His mother called after him.

"Yes mother?" Prince Edward asked, turning to face her.

"I'm going to send Jane up to fetch you at dawn, make sure you get your sleep, Dear," Imogen smiled at her son.

"Yes mother," Ed sighed, before turning to leave.

Once in his chambers, Prince Edward fell back on his bed, hoping for one nights good sleep...but he seriously doubted that would happen, considering tomorrow was going to be one of the most important days of his life.

Edward was nervous to meet his future wife. I mean, this is the woman he's going to spend the rest of his life with, the woman who he has to trust enough to run his country along side him. What if he doesn't like her...or she doesn't like him?

He shook the thoughts from his head as he got up to ready himself for bed.

Prince Edward sighed as he got back in bed, wrapping himself in the covers to shield himself from the cold February air.

But, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't fall asleep. Too many thoughts ran though his head.

Finally he just sat up, running a hand though his hair, he looked out the window, admiring how the moon shone though his window, being his only source of light at the moment.

Edward liked the dark, it was peaceful and easy to hide. Darkness was a place he could escape. A safe place. Once the sun went down and the moon came out, Prince Edward felt free to roam the halls of his own home without being noticed.

Sometimes, when Prince Edward felt alone, which was all the time, being hidden in the darkness was his only remedy.

The prince took a deep breath, biting his lip as he laid back down.

He closed his eyes, forcing himself to sleep. Unprepared and oblivious to what was coming in just a few hours.

Sorry it's so short and late. I've just started school and I was suffering from writers block. I still hope you enjoy though!!!


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