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I sat cross legged on my barstool, spooning at the remnants of my cereal that morning. It had been a few days since the embarrassing rejection I received from Mark.

My cleaning lady, Mandy, was circling me as she swept and dusted the kitchen. It felt good to have her there with me. Over the years of her cleaning my place we had gotten into some very deep and emotional conversations, and I saw her more as a sister or best friend than my cleaning lady.

"Jackson be real, you know you could go out and have four or five Marks if you wanted. What's so special about this one in particular?" she said, brushing up some dust into a pan.

"I don't know Mandy, that's the crazy part. I am usually immune to these sort of feelings, but this is something so different. It's scaring me, to be honest."

"Aw, sounds like a crush." she singsonged over my shoulder, squeezing it lovingly before walking into the bathroom.

"I don't want a crush!" I shouted after her down the hall. "If this is what a crush is then it sucks!"

Mandy knew me like the back of her hand, and even though I hired her to clean my condo she was doing a better job cleaning me off every time I got myself into deep shit. I really appreciated all her help.

"You know you always get what you want at the end of the day Jackson. Just give it time." she said, coming back into the kitchen. "Besides, it's not like you can just buy his affection."

My ears perked up and my hands went warm after she said that. "Mandy, you're a genius!" I shouted, scrambling to my room to get dressed.

I couldn't see it, but Mandy let out a massive eye roll and followed me into the room like a puppy, trying her best to dispel whatever thoughts were going through my head at that moment.

"Be reasonable Jackson. No boy is going to appreciate you trying to buy their love. If Mark values himself and has integrity he will be offended that you think he can be won over with some trinkets and gifts." she pleaded after me.

I pulled my pants up frantically and buttoned my shirt with incredible speed. I had lots of practice speed-dressing, so this was nothing. I combed my blonde hair back into a nice wave and fastened my watch on my wrist. I wanted to look impressive, regal, and successful - the opposite of what I felt.

"Mandy I know you mean well, but this may be the one chance I have at reversing the painful interaction we had earlier this week. I want him to at least like me as a person first before anything else. And who doesn't like gifts and money, c'mon?" I said to her as I hugged her small frame and then grabbed my keys and headed out the door in one motion. Fuck walking, I was taking the Porsche today.


I pulled up to the shop moments later, and felt a hint of embarrassment knowing that I literally drove two blocks in order to impress a boy. Gritting my teeth I put my car in park and looked around. Passers-by were staring at my car and pointing, acting like I was some sort of celebrity. Good. I felt like one.

I put a pair of dark lensed sunglasses on and stepped out onto the pavement. I made sure that when I pressed down on my remote the car made a loud honking beep.

I walked into the shop again, but this time with an incredibly blasé attitude. I took my shades off and slid them into my blazer pocket before running a free hand through my hair. I could feel a few eyes staring at me. Behind me, two women were giggling and whispering with large smiles on their faces. I could tell they liked me, but I had to remain focused. I only wanted one thing, and he was standing behind the counter.

"Hey, the usual?" Mark said nervously, trying to act calm. I could tell he was a bit uncomfortable.

"Yeah, but make it quick. My car is out front in a fifteen minute loading zone." I said back, pointing at the silver and blue car in the front.

The Only Exception // (GOT7 Markson)Where stories live. Discover now