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I gripped the leather steering wheel, still unsure of what I was doing was the right thing. Technically I didn't do anything wrong, I could just drive away and not worry about it ever again. Yet for some reason, lately I've been a little more sensitive to other people's feelings, I've been watching my actions a bit more, trying to be less... Jackson. Damn Mark and his stupid compassion for others, and his damn dimples.

I slammed the door behind me and walked up the cold sidewalk, through the gate, and up to the door. I knocked twice and then took a step back, prepared to leave if nobody answered after the next 15 seconds. Ten seconds later Monica answered the door.

"Oh hello! Come on in, Tyler is just in his room." she said cheerfully, motioning for me to enter the small house.

I took a step in, looking around curiously as I made my way into the living room. The house seemed smaller than I originally remembered, with a lot less "stuff." I guess seeing the place with a sober set of eyes really changed things. I could now tell that Tyler and his mother were... less fortunate to say the least.

"I'll go and get Tyler for you, just have a seat." Monica said, making her way up the stairs.

I nodded and sat down on the brown couch, taking in my surroundings. The walls were covered with a bland floral wallpaper. There were pictures on the wall of their family during various holidays. I noticed a picture of Monica giving a bath to two little boys, they were smiling and laughing in the photo - they looked very close. No where in any of the photos was there a father figure or anything of that sort. I assumed he passed away or left before the boys were born.

"What are you doing here?" Tyler groaned with a demonic voice.

"Tyler! That's no way to talk to a friend." she said, nudging Tyler on the arm before turning to me. "Dear, can I get you anything to drink? Some tea or milk maybe?"

"Oh, um. No thank you." I said, looking down.

"Alright then, I'll give you two some privacy." Monica said awkwardly, retreating upstairs.

Tyler then walked over to the door and opened it, pointing his index finger outside. "Go. Now."

I rolled my eyes and made my way over to him, shutting the door when I got there.

"Tyler, look. I came to apologize." I began. "I know what you must think of me because of what you saw, but I want you to know that you shouldn't really feel all that upset."

"Oh, okay. That solves everything, my bad." Tyler snapped back sarcastically. "Leave it to Jackson to tell me what I can and can't be upset about. God, you're the worst."

I sighed and sat back down on the couch, putting my hands into my face. I was completely unsure of what I could say in order to placate the poor boy.

"I know I hurt your feelings, but you have to understand... Me and you... 'us,' just wasn't going to work. It was one night, alright? We had fun. That's it." I said, trying to make the words sound less hurtful than they really were.

Tyler flinched a little at that, turning away from me to look out the window. "You told me so many things about how great I am, how cute I look, how beautiful my body is, all that." he said in a monotone voice, still staring blankly into the grey sky.

"I'm sure I did. And all of that is true. You are a great person, I know that-"

"Then what's the problem?!" he interrupted me ferociously. "Why am I not good enough?!"

I gulped, staring at him with a defeated expression. It wasn't him - he was great, sure. It's just... I don't operate like that. I don't do boyfriends. Attachment, commitment, anything like that.

The Only Exception // (GOT7 Markson)Where stories live. Discover now