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"Alright buddy, time to wake up. You alright?"

As soon as I woke up the brightness of the sun blinded me, every inch of my head was throbbing, and around my hands were the sticky dry remnants of blood from the previous night.

"Mind telling me what happened here?" The uniformed officer asked. He was a pudgy man, with a mustache I was used to seeing in straight porn films.

I mustered some strength and lifted myself off the passenger seat, the tiny shards of broken glass stuck to my palms as I sat up.

"Were you robbed?" The officer pressed, examining the interior of my vehicle.

I looked up at him with a painful squint, using my hand to shield the sunlight from my eyes.

"What time is it?" I choked out; my voice was a little hoarse.

"It's nearly lunch time. Now, I'll ask again. What happened?" the officer was becoming annoyed.

"I wasn't robbed. I just... had too much to drink." I lied. It was easier than admitting that I chased the love of my life down the road after he fled upon figuring out that I had in fact slept with his younger brother without his knowledge.

"Yeah. I just got a bit too wild. I'll head home now." I cleared my voice.

"Be careful now, a nice car like his is bound to be the victim of theft. Lucky I was here before anyone else." He warned.

"Thanks." I said, shifting my attention to the driver's seat, where I slid over to and started up the car.


When I returned home the memories of last night's events came through like waves of sadness, stinging at my heart and replaying the moments Mark left over and over.

Wall-E was still playing on repeat in the living room, my bed sheets were tangled and smelled like Mark.

The exciting and warm feelings of love were gone, and even though it was an expensive penthouse suite, it looked more like a warzone to me.

"Jackson?" a soft voice called from the hallway. Mandy scampered into the room quickly and went straight to my bedside, doing her usual motherly examination.

"What happened?!" she said, her hand on my chin, turning my head left to right with a surgeon's gaze.

"It's nothing, Mandy. I'm alright. I just fell." I said, knowing that would most likely not fly with her.

"Did Mark do this to you?" she asked, her voice growing concerned, and even angry.

"No..." I began. I instantly felt a ball form into my throat. I couldn't continue my sentence. I kept imagining the stone cold look on Mark's face, riddled with pain and betrayal as he left.

"He found out, didn't he?" She said, finding a spot next to me on the bed where she sat expectantly.

I nodded, it's all I could do. I felt pathetic, like a dog that was just caught peeing on the rug for the 100th time. I deserved every ounce of scolding I could get.

Mandy looked down for a moment, no doubt finding the right words to lecture me with. When she finally turned over and spoke, it was not only surprising, but exactly what I needed in that moment.

"You really love him, don't you?" she said, calm and gentle. "I have never seen you like this."

"I do, Mandy. I really do." At this point I was nearly in tears again.

"You knew this was going to happen, as much as you tried to fight against it." She said, placing a hand on my leg.

I turned away quickly, "I know. You don't need to remind me. This is all my fault."

The Only Exception // (GOT7 Markson)Where stories live. Discover now