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It was 2:30 when I arrived at the coffee shop later that evening. I was well prepared with a plethora of reasons why I didn't tell Mark about Tyler and I's relationship: I didn't know they were brothers. I meant to, but didn't get to it, etc.

Man, I was going to kill Tyler the next time I ran into him. I specifically told him not to open his mouth about his new job.

I entered the green doors and sat down next to the large window. Mark was busy handing out pastries to some customers. I waited. He saw me and waved, I returned it with a smile and waved back nervously.

After he was finished with the baked goods, I saw him disappear into the back. A few minutes later he reappeared and wasn't wearing the black and green uniform that I was so used to seeing him in. Instead he was wearing a denim button up and some well-fitting skinny jeans. His red hair was free of the usual visor and fell pleasantly in front of his face. He looked so much more attractive in his regular clothes, I couldn't help but think as he walked towards me.

"Hey, thanks for coming." he said, giving me a gentle brush on the shoulder.

"No worries." I answered with pursed lips. "So, what's up?"

"Can we go for a walk? I kind of wanna get out of here before they catch me and ask me to stay late," he giggled.

"Sure." I agreed, getting up and following his lead out of the shop.

We walked in tandem down the long and grey sidewalk. The air was cold, and the both of us eagerly put our jackets back on. The December chill nipped at my fingers, making me withdraw them back into my pockets. Mark shivered a little, so I offered him my scarf.

"No thanks. That's kind of what I wanted to talk to you about," he hummed.

"Oh?" I said, swallowing hard.

"Yeah. It's just that you've been really kind to me over the past few weeks. And well... Here, I want you to have this back." he told me, handing me a thick envelope. The same one I had given him a while back.

When I took the envelope and opened it, I found the neat stack of bills. I did a quick count in my head, it was the entire amount I had given him as tips since we met.

"What's this about? You earned these tips." I said, trying to convince him to take the money.

"No. I didn't. I did my job, but no coffee and small talk is worth that much. I actually felt really horrible when I accepted this money because I know that I didn't earn it honestly." he explained to me, looking away.

"Mark... I'm sorry if I made you feel cheap or like you owed me or anything." I said, stopping us in the middle of the path and turning to him.

"It's okay. I'd just feel better if you kept the money. I don't need your tips, it's fine, really." he pleaded to me.

I felt a sting of guilt and a bit of sadness for Mark: guilt because I knew his home situation when I really shouldn't, and sadness because I knew he really did need the money. He was just too proud.

"Okay, deal. No more tips." I finally agreed. "But you should know, that was my way of showing you that I thought you were special. I know - what a lame way of displaying that. I'm still learning how to express myself."

Mark continued to walk and turned his head to me, giving me a confused look. "What are you saying?"

"It's nothing." I choked out. Mark blushed a little and looked away.

"Anyway, I better get home. Thanks for coming to see me." Mark told me, coming to a halt at he end of the street we were on. "And hey, maybe if I ever get some days off this month we can do something together."

And just like that Mark Tuan murdered me and resurrected me all in the same day.

"Yeah, for sure. Okay, see you around." I mumbled like an idiot. Mark waved and headed down the adjacent road. When I was sure he wasn't looking I let out the most awkward and happy fist pump I could manage.

Mark... Me... Hanging out. The words rang through my skull and warmed my stomach.

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