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The rest of the week was filled with what I can only describe as exhilaration. It was pretty funny how easy Mark was able to shift my mood. My days seemed to get better or worse depending on the amount of interaction we had that week.

I turned on my favorite dance album and glided around the kitchen in pure bliss; I shimmied and twirled, humming to myself as I buttered my toast and flipped my eggs. In that moment nothing could go wrong.

I barely remembered that Tyler was scheduled to work for me that day, so when the young and skinny boy knocked on my door I was a bit surprised. I scurried around looking for something to throw on since I was only in my boxers, but decided to forget it seeing as he had already seen me naked. When I opened the door to let him in he threw me a dazzled glance and walked in.

"Should I go hide out in the guest bedroom while last night's lover sneaks out?" he asked, walking slowly into the kitchen and taking a bite of my toast.

"There was no one here last night. Or the night before, or even the night before that I'll have you know." I snarled, grabbing the plate of food from him.

"Wait a second, so you're actually taking my advice?" he asked, looking just as surprised as I was. "That's great news. You're on the road to winning Henry's heart."

I giggled to myself, remembering the alias I had given Mark.

"I'll also have you know, he told me yesterday that he wants to hang out whenever he's not busy." I mentioned, biting my lip a little.

"What?!" Tyler squealed. "Aww, how nice. Where are you going to take him?"

I took a small bite of my eggs and then leaned against the counter, asking myself the same question inside my head.

"Maybe a nice Italian restaurant, a really cool concert, a night out in one of your VIP lounges?" he suggested.

"No, nothing like that. This boy isn't one for all that sort of stuff. He's down to earth and tends to shy away from expensive things." I explained. "He would appreciate something a lot more personal and intimate."

"I have the perfect idea!" Tyler exploded. "You should bring him to the museum. Henry sounds like an old soul. I'm sure he'll appreciate some good ole fashion learning."

"That sounds so boring though..." I sighed. "Do you really think he'd like that?"

"Trust me. It'll be so unlike you that he will be completely swooning." Tyler replied.

I wasn't really in any position to argue with Tyler and his advice, considering that my version of taking a guy out was basically bringing them to a bar and getting drunk with them before finally making it back to my place. Maybe the museum would be a fun change; I seemed to be doing a lot of changing lately. I liked it.

"Alright, sounds good. Museum it is." I said cheerfully.


The next few days I sat around at work, going through the motions and doing whatever work I could to keep myself busy, but I always ended up going back to Mark and the possibility of going on a date with him. The thought of it alone made my cheeks flush and my lips curve.

It was the end of the week when I finally worked up enough courage to face him again. Friday afternoon. Mark was off in ten minutes. I decided to wait and surprise him.

I pushed through the door and sat in my usual spot, waiting for Mark to make his exit from the back. When the red head came walking out, his head was hanging low and his shoulders were hunched forward. Something was wrong.

He wasn't watching where he was walking, so when he passed by me I wasn't surprised that he didn't see me. I grabbed him by the arm gently and stopped him.

The Only Exception // (GOT7 Markson)Where stories live. Discover now