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The tension in the air around me the next day was palpable. I had Mandy come in extra early for her shift, eager to have her started on the meal for Mark.

I glided around the house at a ghostly fast pace, making sure that all of my clerical and business related work was handled as fast as possible. All the while Mandy swiftly and masterfully wiped, scrubbed, and dusted the condo.

"Thank you again, Mandy. I appreciate the help." I whispered, staring up from the large stack of reports in front of me, my grey thin reading glasses catching the late afternoon light with a bright flare.

"As if you could do this without me." She said back, her eyes not even meeting mine for a second.

"You're right." I breathed out, "I don't even know what a shepherd's pie is, let alone how to cook one."

Cooking wasn't something that Mandy did for me regularly, because I often enjoyed eating out and experiencing the new and upcoming restaurants that New York had to offer, but I figured I trust her more than anything when it comes to that sort of thing.

Now that Mark was in the picture, things were changing, that's for sure. I lifted my head and laid it back against the wall, blissfully remembering the night before, and Mark's deep and sleepy voice saying my name over again. Heat filled my stomach, warming me at the thought of seeing him again this evening.

"For a pair of twenty-something year olds, y'all have an odd evening planned. Wall-E and shepherd's pie? Pardon me but that sounds... boring, to be honest." Mandy was clearing the kitchen top now, placing the groceries out into a neat assortment.

"Hey. No judgments okay, it's for Mark. Those are his favorites." I shot back, stapling together the two forms I had in my hand.

"Yup, my four-year-old nephew's favorite too." She scoffed under her breath.

"I'm really excited about this, okay? It's date number two and I don't want anything to go wrong. If he wants a home cooked meal and some Disney, then so be it. He's gonna get it." I informed her with a proud demeanor.

"Should I make sure your love nest is all cleaned out too, fresh sheets and blankets?" She said, sending me an incredulous side-glance.

There was a pause as I considered that for a moment, before quickly tossing it from my immediate thoughts. "No. We're not there yet, and I'm not rushing this one bit. That's the last thing I need to do right now." I sighed long and hard, placing my palm over the front of my face a little. "Besides, I'm so swamped with work that I honestly don't even feel very... well... sexy, you know?"

"No, I don't know. In the years that I've worked for you I can honestly say I've never seen you either self-conscious or not a complete raging hormonal sex machine." She quickly retorted, making me almost slam my face on the table.


"Alright, I'm going to take off. Food's in the oven warming. Should be good to go. I imagine you can figure out how to plate it... Uh-" Mandy began to say as she jingled her keys, slowly trailing off as she entered my bedroom.

I was in the middle of changing, standing in front of my mirror, just nearing the last top button on my dress shirt. It was a dark and deep red color. The same color of a rose. My pants were black silk and fitted, and my hair was the same ghostly blonde color it always was, combed neatly to the side.

"Wow, you look good Jackson. And I'm not being facetious here, you actually look really good. Looks like red is your color." She commented, throwing her purse over her shoulder.

"Thanks, Mand. Mark should be here within the hour." I said, still examining my outfit in the mirror, smoothing out any wrinkles I found.

"Yeah, anytime." She said, turning to walk out. "Hey-" she paused.


"Have fun tonight. Be yourself. Not the person you're trying to become for him. Trust me." The door slammed behind her with a calming echo, leaving me completely alone.

I knew she meant well, but I wasn't completely sold on the whole 'be yourself' spiel. I needed to focus on being the best version of myself, but I could do without being 100% my authentic self, I thought.


There was a timid knock on the door, signaling Mark's arrival. I checked the time: 8PM. He was right on time.

I flatted my shirt once more for good measure before unlocking the door and pulling it open.

Mark took a half step in with a faint laugh and opened his arms, taking me into a small hug.

"Hey." He hummed lowly, "It's so good to see you."

His cheeks were a little red, same with the tip of his nose.

Something in the air shifted, now that Mark was here. The atmosphere changed from work and stress to something else: warmth, joy, and a little excitement. This was exactly what I needed after my long day.

"Cold?" I said in a tone that matched Mark's, taking his jacket from him.

Mark was wearing a close-fitting navy blazer, with a plain white v-neck underneath. His dark washed jeans hugged his thighs tightly, granting me a pleasant eye full of his legs, and a little of his nice ass. Before I could stare too long, he was already inside my house looking around, asking me questions.

"So, this is where Jackson lives..." He said, twirling around in the living room. He playfully ran his foot over the white polar bear rug I had laid on the floor - faux, of course.

"Yup. This is it..." I said back, unsure of whether it was a bit much for Mark's tastes.

"It's really nice. You're really clean." He answered, sitting down on the dark leather sectional. He placed a single hand down on the area next to him.

"Thanks. Gets lonely, though." I said, finding a seat next to him so our thighs were touching just briefly.

Mark's eyes were gorgeous; a stunning collection of golden brown rays, surrounded by a dark brown ring, glistening from the warm light of the lamp next to him.

"Well, I'm here now. You don't have to be alone." He said jokingly, but I felt a hint of flirting hidden somewhere beneath the words.

"Thanks for coming. I know that it's sort of late."

Mark shifted in his seat and flung his left leg under his right thigh to get more comfortable, before speaking. "You know... it's a bit embarrassing for me to admit how much I like you."

Mark seemed flustered. This was a new side I was seeing since our coffee interactions were so bland and one-sided. His shy demeanor was finally withering.

"I almost never get crushes, and if I ever do like someone I usually don't act on it at all." He maintained, "So you can understand my treating you the way I did when we first met."

"That's okay – I am the opposite. When I see something I like, I go for it." I answered strongly, my eyes darting around Mark's perfectly framed face; his pretty eyes continued to draw me in. "Believe me, when I saw you I knew right then and there that I needed to do everything I could to get you with me."

Mark's boyish features crinkled under my sudden flattery, he put his face down to let out a small breathy giggle.

"Hey, guess what?" I said, my hand resting on his knee.

Mark's face came back up and he smiled directly at me, "Yeah?"

"I've got a large pot of shepherd's pie waiting in the kitchen. It's got your name on it."

Mark's boyish expressions bubbled over into a cute flurry of giggles. "Yay~" he whispered, performing a very small victory fist pump. "I'm starving. Work was so rough."

I lifted my hand from his knee and onto his back, rubbing the end of his neck gently. He instinctively leaned back into my hand and closed his eyes.

"What do you say we get some food into your belly and then I can look after all of this tension you have built up in your neck and back. We can even watch Wall-E." I offered, sending a smirk his way.

"That. Sounds. Amazing." Mark mouthed, his voice rumbling from his moans of pleasure as I worked my hands on his neck.

The Only Exception // (GOT7 Markson)Where stories live. Discover now