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"Okay Jackson, I really have to go to bed now. It's almost 4AM." Mark's voice was getting more exhausted, and as the night went on it began to sound more light and sleepy.

It would be a lie to say that I didn't love the sound of his tired voice. It was music to my ears.

"Yeah, you're right. We should sleep." I admitted, feeling a pang of disappointment as I realized just how late it was. "I can't believe we stayed on the phone all night, I hardly even noticed it."

That was true. Every time I talk with Mark, the concept of time tends to blur.

"It was nice." Mark yawns cutely.

I let a moment of silence fill the conversation before answering calmly and quietly, "Yeah... It was."

"Hey, Jacks?" Mark asks, nearly whispering now.

"What's up?"

"I had a lot of fun on our date today. I just wanted to know when I'd be able to see you again?" He sounds a little hopeful, and it's absolutely adorable.

This is the first true time that I felt desired. Mark and I had only been on one date, but even then it was always me going to the café for excuses to see him, showing up at his work with a dumb smile. I was even the one who asked him out in the first place.

But now, here Mark is at 4AM somewhere between wakefulness and sleep, wanting nothing more than to know when he can see me next. It was a feeling of pride; I had to hide my face in my pillow and squeeze my phone, doing my best not to squeal at all of the emotions running through me in that second.

When I gained my composure and was no longer a puddle of mess, I cleared my throat and answered, "I don't know. When do you want to see me?"

I knew that I had a lot of work coming up this week, but I began mentally clearing my schedule, trying to find ways to make it work so that any time Mark had off of work, I'd be available.

"Tomorrow?" Mark grumbled lowly, then huffed a small giggle when he remembered the time, "I guess it's technically today."

I wasn't expecting him to want to see me literally the next day after our first date. It threw me for a loop; I didn't think I'd be able to get the day off. There were a few pressing work matters that I had already put off for our first date, and I couldn't ignore them any longer.

"Sure. But it would have to be in the evening, is that okay?" I said, trying to sound as though that wasn't my lame way at getting him to come over to my house late at night.

"I don't mind one bit." Mark replied slowly, sounding as though he was out of breath a little. His sleepy tone was starting to sound seductive, and the low and rasp of his voice made my dick swell a little.

I knew good and well that I wasn't inviting Mark over for sex, even though every fiber of my being wished it would go in that direction. I didn't want him to think that, though; I seriously had no other time to meet him.

My time with Mark would come, and when it did, I'd praise myself for waiting and making it special. He's the kind of boy worth taking your time with, and I didn't need Tyler to tell me that one.

"Don't worry, just hanging out. We can watch a movie if you want. I'll cook you something. Tell me your favorite meal and your favorite movie." I proposed quietly, rolling to the side to adjust my growing erection.

"Hm.." Mark lulled, "I love shepherd's pie, my mom used to make it for me all the time. And my favorite movie is definitely Wall-E."

He answered quickly, confidently, and happily. It sounds silly, but it made me like him even more – Mark was never scared of saying how he felt or what he liked and disliked. Tyler was right about one thing: Mark was a sensitive person. He noticed everything, even the smallest details, and was able to express his feelings so effortlessly.

I almost wished that I was like that, but knowing me, I'd never even be capable of such emotional depth.

"Perfect. I'll have your dinner ready, but I can't promise it'll be as good as your mom's. I'll do my best, though." I told him, rolling over to the cold side of my empty king sized bed. It was still pitch black in my room, and it made me long for Mark, to have his body beside me, close enough so I could feel his warmth.

"And Wall-E?" Mark's voice hummed through the speaker.

"Yeah. Wall-E too." I answered lightheartedly. "I'll see you tomorrow. Err... later on today. Cool?"

Mark let out a breath and yawned one more time, "Okay. Goodnight, Jackson."

I almost wanted to ask him another question, just to hear his sleepy voice say my name again, but I didn't. He needed his rest for work, and I already felt guilty for keeping him awake this long with my selfish desires. He was just so easy to talk to, time was blurring again.

"Goodnight, Mark." His name rolled off my tongue, leaving a sweet feeling in my cheeks.

There was a moment of silence afterward where I could've sworn I heard Mark smile through the phone, right before he hung up.

I couldn't wait for our date.


It goes without saying that I no longer wanted Tyler to work for me. After the fiasco with Tyler and the whole "I'm going to tell Mark about you, you're horrible, you're a monster" crap, I couldn't even look at him again without feeling upset.

Right now, all that mattered was Mark and our second date. I read somewhere that the first date is important, but the second date is what makes or breaks the entire deal.

I felt so nervous and stressed about our first date – I wanted everything to be perfect for Mark. I almost forgot to breathe; however, this second date was my golden opportunity to relax and show Mark more of who I was. I felt as though Mark deserved to see a more vulnerable side of me, a side that I didn't show anyone. He was always expressing himself to me, and especially after the health scare with his mother, it was about time I opened up and let him into my rock solid temple of a heart.

As I plugged my phone in and set it on the nightstand, I went over tomorrow's day in my head. It was going to be busy, sure, but I couldn't wait to see my boy.

The only problem now was figuring how the hell to cook shepherd's pie... Anyway, I'm sure Mandy knows.

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