Leaving Wisconsin

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I woke up to the annoying sound of my alarm clock "ugh 6 am already" i mumbled rolling out of bed and onto my floor. My mom walked in "remember you have a flight booked for 8" my mom reminded me then left. I got dressed in some work out clothes "ok Taylor gotta cut workout a little short today its 6 now so we have exactly 1 hour" i thought to myself. I walked downstairs "breakfast?" my mom asked " no thanks i only have one hour i cant waste time" i yell as i walk out the house. I start to run my basic everyday run. When i finished my run i looked at the time "6:30" i say to myself getting my water. After i drank some water i went to the gym "Hey Taylor" the owner said " Hey Ted wassup" i said "nothin much im gonna miss you" he said "just remember this is my favorite gym nothing will change that" i said he smiled "well we got you set up go ahead and get started" he said. I did my basic warmup stretches and then started my actual workout when i finished it was 7:30 so i rushed home, packed, got dressed, and left for the airport. I made it on the plane with just 10 minuets to spare. "Thank god im outta that mess...i will miss it though" i said putting my headphones on i opened Spotify up on my phone and scrolled through the playlists they had and saw one labeled "Newer music" thinking this would give me new songs to dance to i clicked it and started playing the playlist. One song came on and it was really catchy i looked at the title "Something Different - Why Dont We". "Please Fasten your seatbelts" the flight attendant said. I fastened my seatbelt and looked out the window before i knew it my eyes were closed and i was sleeping. I was woken up by the sound of the flight attendants voice "We are now landing, i repeat we are now landing" she said. I looked at my phone ignoring the song that was playing and looked at the time it was 10am "i was asleep for 3 hours" i asked myself as i got off the plane. When my feet hit the ground i stretched and almost fell i immediately started looking for either Logan or Jake.
Word count-441
Sorry about it ending where it did but i wanna be able to make a new chapter about her first day in LA

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