Meeting WDW

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(Theres two Jack Avery covers)
I saw 5 new followers on my Instagram and i went ahead and followed them back. "HEY TAYLOR IM BRINGING SOME GUYS OVER THEY WANT YO MEET YOU"Logan yelled "ok" i yelled back. Soon i heard the door open and Logan went to the store so i got off my bed and opened the door the guys walked in "who are yall" i asked "Why Dont We" One said "ohh yall sang that song Something Different" i said "yea...we watched your dance videos we were wondering if you could be our choreographer" another said "sure but first give me your names so i can give yall nicknames" i said
"Daniel,Jack,Zach,Jonah,Corbyn" they all said "great! Daniel your Dannyboy Jack your Noodles Zach your roseycheeks Jonah your gonna be J corbyn your Corbean yall can call me anything" i said they all nodded. Logan walked in. "Hey" Logan said "they're hot" i mouthed to Logan he laughed "how about you meet the guys one at a time starting with Jack" Logan said i nodded all the guys left except for Jack. We sat on the couch and talked about ourselves "Can you sing a song for me?" i asked "yea what you wanna hear" he asked "anything" i said. He sang runnin

I smiled " im in love" i joked we laughed "your pretty cool we should hang sometime just me and you" he said "i'd like that" i said. Jack left and Daniel came out of the other room "hey Daniel first can you song me a song" i asked "sure" he said "sing whatever" i said. He sang Sunday Morning

I smiled. We talked and got to get to know each other "well see you around Dannyboy" i said he left and Corbyn came in "please sing a song first any song" i said "ok" he said and started singing Let me love you by Justin bieber

I smiled after a few minuets of talking he left and Zach came out "ROSEYCHEEKS SING ME A SONG ANY SONG" i said laughing "ok" he said and began to sing Cold Water by Justin Beiber

"Wow all of yall are amazing with and without eachother" i said. Zach and i talked after awhile Zach left and in came Jonah "J SING ME SOMETHIN ANYTHING!!" i said he laughed and started singing Night Changes by One Direction

We did the same as everyone else.
Word count-430
I ended it here it kinda sucked but i really wanna get to the Love Triangle.

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