Alone Time

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I jumped on Jack and kissed him. "What was that for"he asked, "well...its just us here" i said. We kissed over time the kisses got shorter and faster. I pulled away and took his shirt off and began kissing him again i felt his hands going down to my ass as he grabbed it a quiet moan came out of my mouth. Soon Jack hoodie was off me and Jack was kissing down my body and leaving hickeys everywhere. After awhile of making out we laid down and cuddled. The others walked in the house and walked pass my room. Christina walked in and saw my head on Jacks chest while i was passed out she smiled "hey Jack theres some food in the kitchen if you want some" she said he nodded while rubbing my shoulders. She walked out and closed the door. When the sun came up i woke up and saw Jack asleep i smiled and went to the kitchen.
Oh yall expected more didnt yall? Nasty freaks

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