Story is up!

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Check out my other story "Behind The Skateboard" i worked hard and i am still working hard on it. It's not much yet but it will be i promise...keep in mind loves i just got back and gotta get back into writing.
Now for why i left for so long.
Ok so i left sue to stress and depression and i do believe it was this story i shared my depression and suicidal story on. But you all know how stressful school can be. Right? Well the stress got so hard where i couldn't keep my focus on one thing, i was losing sleep, eating less, and just acting less like me. All in all i was just becoming really unhealthy with the stress and the stress of course led to more depression, which gave me more anxiety, which led me to stay away from my phone and stay in my room. Through my absence though i continued writing in a lovely journal of mine. I would be more than happy to share those with yall if yall would like me to. Again i am really sorry gor my absence and i know my chat has died here recently but i hope to bring it back to life with new stories and updates.

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