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After i silenced the conversation everything hit me and i ran to my house and sat in the bathroom crying. I heard the front door open i jumped up and locked the bathroom door "Taylor! Babe" Jack called looking for me. He knocked on the bathroom door while i was crying. "Babe whats wrong" he asked leaning against the door "nothing just go away" i cried "im not leaving until you let me in and tell me whats wrong" he said "well then i guess you'll be there all night" i said. Silence filled the room i thought Jack left so i grabbed a razor blade just then the door opened and Jack looked at me. I stood still with the razor blade still in my hand. I grabbed the razor blade and hugged me i hugged him back and cried. "Baby tell me whats wrong" he said. "I dont know after that conversation every feeling hit me at once and it turned into this" i said in between tears. He hugged me tighter "please dont ever do that again you had me and the guys worried. He said i nodded and continued to cry on his shoulder. We walked out the bathroom and i saw the others. They all immediately ran and hugged me. I hugged them back "we love you" they said. I nodded and tried not to cry
This is actually based on something that actually happened to me and i cried while writing this part and im still probably crying as you read this-Malissa
If yall ever suffer from depression tell someone preferably someone who knows what it feels like because going through a suicidal phase is not what you want i promise. Because suicide is actually really selfish your taking your life to make one person happy while making way more sad. Dont give up keep fighting life does get better i promise it just takes awhile.
Dont let Death/Suicide win!

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