The purposal

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"Jack was very weird this morning" i told Christina "oh..maybe he was in a hurry" she said "yea maybe" i said as i fixed her a plate of food and gave it to her. I sat on the couch i could tell she knew something i just didnt know what. When i finished eating i went to the kitchen and noticed Christina texting Jack i was confused but ignored it and cleaned my dish. I put workout clothes on and headed for the gym "maybe some exercise will help" i told myself. As i exercised i started to feel a little better. It was 11:00am when i finished my workout. I ran home and got dressed then went to the café (where i worked). After hours of taking orders of coffee and food my shift was over it was now 9:00 pm. When i got home i saw the guys and Christina "come with us" they said leading me out the house and to Logans apartment where i saw flower petals and lit candles. Then i saw Jack. Logan came in the room with his camera recording it for his vlog "Taylor ever since i met you i felt like you were different from every other girl i met...and i was right when we started dating i was happier than ever... I know your gonna say were too young but your graduating in 1 week and i dont care how long it takes you dont even have to answer today take as long as you want" he said getting on one knee and pulling a box out. He opened the box "Taylor Alesia will you marry me?" he asked. Everything went silent as i covered my mouth i wanted to say yes but the words wouldn't come out i nodded my head. "Yes..oh my god..yes!"  i said. He got up and kissed me "thank god...i was so afraid you were gonna say no" he said " why would i say no to you" i asked "lets not answer that" he said kissing me i laughed. Everyone clapped "YUSS THAS MUH BOY" Logan yelled. We all laughed at Logan. "Wait so since yall are engaged will she become an Avery" Corbyn asked. "Yea" i said "WAHOO" Zach said
Idk where to go with this now

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