The New House

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Our basic house^^
The school year was almost over so Christina and i decided we should live together. We found a basic house and bought it. We went to Logans apartment and got all my stuff. While we set the house up we listened and danced to Taking you by Why Dont We. After we got settled in we sat and watched movies, talked, joked around, and did other random things all night. The next day the guys walked in while i was in just a towel. I screamed "just us" Jack said. Christina walked in the same room in just a towel "why are yall in towels" Zach asked "just got out the shower" Christina and i said together "uhh" Corbyn said "we didnt shower together" i said "but theres only one bathroom" Jack said "she took a shower and was looking for clothes then i got in the shower and i was looking for clothes when she screamed" Christina said "mhm" they said in disbelief. I walked to my room and put my bra and underwear on. Jack snuck up on me and hugged me i screamed again "damn it Jack" i said he laughed and kissed me he sat on my bed and took his hoodie off and threw it at me. I immediately put it on i walked out the room to see if everyone was still here and they all left i walked back to my room and saw Jack just laying on my bed.

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