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Someone messaged me asking what i meant by it was based on something that happened on "Depression" in the story. Actually it started on the part before that. Where my parents were body shammers i had 5 friends none of them could come over but 1 because she wasn't too skinny or too fat according to my parents. Which really hurt me because these were friends i had since pre-k and my parents are body shamming them. During public events if my parents saw me with my other 4 friends they would immediately pull me away. I got very sad and depressed about that so i almost let suicide win til my boyfriend stopped me. Over the years my parents saw that they were hurting me by body shamming my friend so they started swallowing their opinions and started letting my friends and i hang out at the house and in public.
Suicide is never the answer even when you think it is. Just keep fighting the good fight and prove your better than suicide and depression i promise it will help you and everyone around you and let people help dont shut them out

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