Join team 10 or not

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I thought about joining team 10. Days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months. I finally called Jake "im not joining it" i said and hung up. The research i did on team 10 were mostly bad comments and bad reviews i dont want that so i am now a Logang member look at that! I ran to Logans to tell him the news that im in the Logang when i walked in i saw my parents. "Taylor! Arent you happy here" Logan asked "yea duh" i said "baby i think its time you come home" my mom said. "No im not leaving LA" i screamed the guys walked in, and stood in silence "baby theres so much more in Wisconsin" my mom tried to explain "ya like bodyshammers, drama queens, preppy no heart girls, oh yea and Criminals CRIMINALS EVERYWHERE"i argued "none of those people are there anymore" he says "right you and mom are" i said "what are you saying" my mom asked "yall body shame people all the time, mom your a drama queen and yall both have a terrible criminal record"i said. "Logan what did you tell her" my dad snapped at Logan "he didnt tell me anything" i snapped "Jess she has a good argument maybe yall should head home"Logan said. My parents got up and left. Logan hugged me "what happened" Corbyn asked confused "nothing" i replied silencing the conversation. 

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