The Love Triangle

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^^ i had to^^
A few week passed and everytime i saw Jack and Daniel i got butterflies...idk why. One day Christina came over "Christina i need help" i told her "watcha need Tay" she asked. I was silent "i love Jack...but i love Daniel...i need help" i said "oh lord girly" she said i nodded my head in disappointment "who do you love more" she asked "J..Jack" i stuttered through the lump in my throat "march in that house and tell him" she said "come with me" i said. We grabbed our stuff and went to the WDW house. We walked in i saw Jack throwing a ball up in the air and catching it over and over again. The guys were in the room too. I saw Daniel by Jack "J...J..Jack" i stuttered he looked at me and sat up so i could sit. "I don't need to sit...i need to tell you something" i said "what is it" he asked tilting his head like a confused puppy "should we leave" Jonah asked "no yall can stay" Christina said. I laughed "this is gonna be so embarrassing Jack...these passed few weeks have been friends...and they really..really..really played with my feelings...and its kinda hard to say this to you...but here goes eveeything" i said "3 simple words" Christina whispered "" i stuttered. Jack looked at the guys "see i told you Jack...i told you tell her how you feel before she does" Jonah said. Jack ran to me and kissed me. Christina laughed
Hearing her say I love you made me feel better knowing she felt the same way about me as i did her so without hesitation i ran and kissed her. When i removed my lips from hers i noticed Daniel gone. I ran to his room "man i know you loved her but you said no hard feelings for whoever she picks" I said. Daniel looked at me...i loved her..i still love her but congratulations you got the girl i still love ya man" Daniel said we hugged.
I saw Daniel run off and i felt terrible but...i couldn't risk losing Jack not now not ever.

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