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Dear Alfie,

Your parents came over tonight. It was nice to see them, even if it was a bit of a shock. They look well, all things considered. They didn't stay long, but they said you left something for me. They're clearing out your room, and I could tell by the look in their eyes that they feel awful for it, but they're trying to pick themselves up and carry on. They found a book in your room, and the sticky note on the front cover simply said "For Max".

It's your copy of To Kill A Mockingbird.

I'm a little confused, to be honest. I know we bonded over a mutual admiration of Atticus Finch, but when we read Go Set A Watchman, that admiration faltered. Well, it faltered for me. You lost faith in the novel entirely, no matter how many times I tried to make you see that the so-called "sequel" was never supposed to see the light of day. I think that was the second argument of our friendship. It's weird how they always seemed to revolve around Harper Lee.

I think that's why I'm confused. I didn't expect you to think of me as you were planning it, much less to leave anything behind for me. It just seems so bizarre that you'd leave me a book that you told me you hated; a book that caused us to stop speaking for five days. Is it your way of telling me that our friendship meant more to me than it did to you? Some kind of weird snub from beyond the grave?

I don't know. I'm so confused.

Then again, you left The Picture of Dorian Grey to Willow. That seems like an even stranger choice, given the subject matter, but she seems thrilled with it.

Maybe it'll make sense in time. Maybe all of this will make sense.


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