First Impression

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It was raining so everyone stay in their own classroom. Every morning the homeroom teachers will check students' attendance before sending the attendance book to the office. For class 5-2, somehow the homeroom teacher was late. The students of class 5-2 are having the time of their lives as they chat comfortably without much care. Nobody is going to yell at them for making so much noises. The boys are making a big group while the girls are making another group. The group of boys are talking about last night soccer match. Apparently, a few of them burned the midnight oil and they are now doing the honor of retelling about the match for those who missed it. The girls are not wasting time too as they talked about things that Wu Ming Er aren't interested in. The buzz really is distracting him from his reading.

"Xiao Wu"

Wu Ming Er turned to the back door and he saw Lin Ka Ye calling for him. He stand up and go to meet Ka Ye outside. Lin Ka Ye is the president of class 5-3 but whenever he has too much time on his hands, he would come and find Wu Ming Er at the next class.

"What is it ? Why are you calling me out ?"

"I heard the teachers talking about this class getting a  new student. He* isn't here yet ?"

(LKY using 'ta' but it could refer to both 'he' and 'she'. LKY didn't know the new student's gender)

Give it to Ka Ye to find out anything about the school. Whatever it is, he will be the first one to know. The staffroom is like his second home already and all the teachers like him. He is a likeable type of person.

"Ka Ye, I really think it is unnecessary for you to run here just to see the new student. Don't you have teacher in your class right now ?"

Right after Wu Ming Er said that, they heard the teacher yelling out Ka Ye's name. Ka Ye immediately run back to his class.
After that, Wu Ming Er walked back to his seat. Soon after, the homeroom teacher come in with a new face trailing behind her.

"Sorry I was late, but today you will get a new classmate from Kuang Hwa Private School. I will let him introduce himself"

Wu Ming Er is reading at that time so he didn't really focus to the person infront. When the new student walked to the back of the class, he is finally done with his reading.
There are many other vacant tables and one of it is next to Wu Ming Er.
Suddenly the guy stopped by his side, staring at him. At first, Wu Ming Er was confused but then he realized and quickly put away his own bag which is occupying the vacant table next to him.
Wu Ming Er can't help but stare at the new student as the later settle down. His appearance is overall good. Looking at his body, Wu Ming Er know why every girls in class wont stop staring.
Wu Ming Er turned his attention back to the front when the homeroom teacher, Miss Qiao started to call out names. When she call out his name, the new student suddenly turned his way to stare at him.
The new student stare at him for awhile until Wu Ming Er got uncomfortable and had no other choice but to greet the later.

"Ah.. hello, my name is Wu Ming Er"

He tried his best to sound polite. After all, they just had their attendance taken so both of them already know each others name. He only thought that he needs to formally introduced himself just because the guy chose to be his deskmate.


Hearing that from the new student, Wu Ming Er really don't get it at first. He didn't know how to reply because he didn'teven understand what the later said.

"Ah.. what ?"

"Wu Ming Er, I am Gu Wang Yi"

That sentence really make Wu Ming Er speechless and see red. He finally get it now.

(Number 2 in chinese is Er while number 1 in chinese is Yi. GWY basically is comparing their names with the numbers when he called WME as "second". In other word, if WME is "second" then he is "first")

During recess, Wu Ming Er tells Lin Ka Ye everything and Lin Ka Ye laugh at him for being a slowpoke.

"Isn't being called second an insult ? How come you didn't punch him ? Are you even a man ?"

"You dare to give a punch infront of teachers ?"

Now that Wu Ming Er processed the whole situation again. He feels really mad. The new guy immediately go into his blacklist. He will not let his guard down whenever he has to deal with the new guy.

"Next time he insult you, don't hesitate to beat him. If you can't do it then call me out for help"

(Can't do it- too nice to even give a punch. LKY already know that WME won't easily punch just anybody because he is a nice guy)

Back from recess, Gu Wang Yi couldn't be found at his place but he only came a few minutes after the class started. The teacher excuse him after he said that he lost his way around school. When Gu Wang Yi sat down, Wu Ming Er know that he lied because he smelled like smoke.
After that, Wu Ming Er couldn't focus to the lesson as he keep on coughing madly. Blame the guy next to him for smoking before class. The smell is faint but for someone who is sensitive to smoke like Wu Ming Er, it is enough to make him lost his breath. After that, the teacher got worried and immediately asked him to see the school's nurse.
Gu Wang Yi volunteer himself to accompany him but his action only make Wu Ming Er cough even more. Because of that, Wu Ming Er pushed his hands away and go out alone.

After the treatment for his condition, Wu Ming Er rested at the nurseroom for awhile before going back to class.
When he came back, Gu Wang Yi is once again couldn't be found. Wu Ming Er sighed hoping that the later is not smoking again somewhere around school.
The class go on as usual and Wu Ming Er didn't even realized that Gu Wang Yo came back. The school bell rang. When he turned to get his bag, he finally noticed that Gu Wang Yi is there and he is staring at him.

"What ?"

Gu Wang Yi suddenly moves his face closer. Only when 3 cm left between their faces did Wu Ming Er widened his eyes. Too close. All that he could see is Gu Wang Yi's soft brown eyes, sharply boring into his.

"Not coughing anymore"

When Gu Wang Yi said that, he realized that the later no longer smelled like smoke. He smelled nice instead.

"Ah.. yeah"

Good thing that there is not many student left in class and nobody is paying attention to them. Or else they would be the centre of attention for being so close like that.

"Good then"

Once Gu Wang Yi said that, he takes his bag and left, leaving a flustered Wu Ming Er behind.
Later, when Wu Ming Er met Lin Ka Ye outside of the school gate, Lin Ka Ye point out that his cheeks are red.

"Blame it on the cold weather"

"But it is almost summer "


So, firstly I'd like to apologise if you find any grammatical error since english isn't my first language. This is the first chapter for Tangent. The title didnt have deep meaning but since both main characters seem like they are living a different kind of world, have different personalities and habits. Tangent possible to make them meet and make the differences to change into something beautiful. Hence, why I put Tangent as the title lol.
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