Odd brothers

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On the day that Lin Ka Ye woke up early, he will get on the bus to accompany Wu Ming Er. Although he can easily dragged Wu Ming Er to go to school by car with him, he respect Wu Ming Er's decision. He has been Wu Ming Er friend long enough to know that the later prefered not to be indebted to anybody.
Since the previous incident, Wu Ming Er decided to plug in his earphones everytime he is on the bus. Hearing such nauseating words from the girls will only dampen his mood anyway.
He only put it off when they reached the school.
Today, the crowd seems livelier than usual. When Wu Ming Er get off the bus, all eyes are suddenly on him. He immediately turn around only to see Lin Ka Ye and Gu Wang Yi standing next to each other.

"How come.."

"Shuai brother took the bus with us today. The girls are going crazy ah"

True to that, a few girls almost faint because they get to share the same bus with Gu Wang Yi. Even breathing the same air with Gu Wang Yi can get them hyped and floating in the air.
Wu Ming Er really don't get the kind of fantasies the girls had in their mind.
He wished that someone like Gu Wang Yi and Lin Ka Ye could just behave like a normal rich people instead of being odd.

(WME is saying that both GWY and LKY need to behave like a normal rich people. If you have a fancy car, then why bother taking the bus. They are only adding to his misfortune instead lol)

He never ask them to do this anyway.
He quickly moves and avoid the crowd after that and managed to leave the two odd brothers behind.

When Wu Ming Er was reviewing his book, Gu Wang Yi finally come in and occupy his seat. All this while, he was actually outside trying to clear the crowd for a certain someone who is busying himself flipping the page.
During lunch, Lin Ka Ye dragged both of them to a table at the field so that they can eat in peace. Since the table is within the field ground, they can clearly see what is happening there. Apparently a junior class is having PE and the teacher asked them to run around the field.
To do that, the junior will have to pass by their table. It is bearable when the guys passed by but when it comes to the girls, they purposely walked slowly and won't run. For the girls, they were lucky to get such a  good sight but for the three of them, the sight can make them lost their appetite.

(Let them eat in peace ah !!!)

Wu Ming Er has always been the school's athlete. When he moved there 2 years ago, he immediately became the President of Athlete Club. The teacher who is teaching the junior class is one of the teacher in his club and when he saw Wu Ming Er, he immediately call him over.

"Mind if I borrow you for a few minutes ? The Sport Day is coming yet your junior here is having a low spirit. They didn't want to score points at all"

(During my school sport day, student can join many games to score points for their own team. The teams are based on colours such as blue, red, yellow and green. One can join many games but one can also cheat and not join any. I usually only join one game since Im a lazy ass lol)

Hearing that, Wu Ming Er started to give a few motivational words. As the president, he know that doing this can also brings benefit to his own club. This year, he needs a few more junior participants to join his club. They will train not only for the Sport Day but also to join the local tournament outside of school.
Once he was done, he tried to excuse himself but the junior suddenly asked for a demo.

"Sorry, but we have class after this"

Lin Ka Ye tried to interrupt too but to no vail.

"It will only take a while"

When the teacher said that, Wu Ming Er had no other choice but to agree.

"That won't do. We will be late for class"

This time, Gu Wang Yi join in and speak up. His face showed no mercy. Wu Ming Er feels like if the conversation keep on going, a fight is most likely to happen.
Since today they are eating quite far from their class building, if they go back now they will be late for class. Unless if they make a run for it.

"Ok I will do it. But after that I will head back straight to class"

Wu Ming Er get into position and started his run after that.
The decision was made so suddenly. It was too sudden for Lin Ka Ye to comprehend but Gu Wang Yi immediately get ready and grabbed his and Wu Ming Er's bags. After Wu Ming Er was done with his run, he immediately sprint to their class building. Gu Wang Yi is not far behind him but somehow, Lin Ka Ye's figure is out of sight.


During this few days, Wu Ming Er realized that Gu Wang Yi keep on staring at him in class. Whenever he asked, the guy will carelessly not reply, leaving a big question mark between them.
Actually, he wasn't alone as many more students in that class that took notice about it.
If their classmate come to ask something, he would easily ignore them as if they didn't exist in his eyes. That kind of behaviour of his really is annoying but nobody care as they keep on coming back.
But no matter what, that one pair of eyes will never stray away from his face. Burning holes on it. As if he already know that Wu Ming Er's can't stand his stare for long.
Although Wu Ming Er act like he wasn't bothered by it, he still wasn't brave enough to stare back into that soft brown eyes. He would usually ignore it and mind his own business.
Today too, he act like he isn't bothered by it. Suddenly, one girl from their class come to ask something again.

"Wang Yi, why do you keep on looking that way ? Is there something interesting out there ?"

(Since WME table is next to the window, the girl think that GWY always looking outside when the truth is he was looking at WME beside him lol)

"There is nothing outside but the sight is quite beautiful ah"


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