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True to his word, Gu Wang Yi stayed till the driver come. While waiting, they keep on talking about random stuffs and when they see the car coming, they reluctantly bid farewell.
As for Wu Ming Er, he was reluctant because he didn't want to go back to the main house. He was never comfortable being there and he was sure that nobody wants him there either.
Seeing the pained look on Wu Ming Er's face before he left, how can Gu Wang Yi not feel reluctant. He wished that he could help and do something to put a smile back on that face. He sighed knowing that it was hopeless since there is nothing that he could do for now.
Arriving at the main house, a few people came out to greet Wu Ming Er at the front door. It was always like that everytime he come. Everyone will treat him as if he was the young master of the house. Truthfully, he could never get used to it.

"Xiao Wu is here ? Come to grandmother, child"

Coming out from the kitchen is his grandmother. The old lady is almost 60 years old but has a strength of someone younger. She pulled him in her embrace and hug him tightly that it almost suffocate him.

"Sit down, this time stay for dinner before you go back ah"

She urged Wu Ming Er to take a seat while she served him dinner. It was all his favourites. It was obvious that the old lady cooked them by herself.
Last time, he was furious that the old man brought out the topic that he hated most. After that, he asked to be sent home immediately without eating his dinner.
He was sure this is the old lady way of apologizing on behalf of the old man. He suddenly feels guilty for putting her in this kind of situation. It wasn't her that he was mad at though.
Without saying much, he started eating his food. The old lady smiled brightly watching him eat from her seat.

Apart from the old couple, his aunty and her son also stayed at the main house. His Aunty Ling Mei has divorced and her son, Yang Kai Zhe only 2 years older than Wu Ming Er.

(I purposely used Ling Mei as his aunty's name. Though the meaning for Ling-zero  while Mei-pretty, she wasn't exactly hideous. Lol I wish she is)

Wu Ming Er already know that he wasn't welcomed by his aunty and her son so he never expect anything from them. If it wasn't because of the old lady, he too wouldn't set his foot in that house.

"Where is everyone else ?"

Wu Ming Er only ask out of courtesy. He wasn't really curious. After all, apart from his grandmother, he wasn't on a good term with anybody else.

"Aunt Mei is in her room while Kai Zhe is not home yet. As for old man Wu, he is at the company"

Wu Ming Er nodded and eat faster. It will be better if he didn't meet any of them so that they couldn't dampen his mood. But obviously luck wasn't on his side today as he suddenly saw Yang Kai Zhe's figure.

"Xiao Yang, come and join Xiao Wu for dinner ah"

"I'm not hungry, grandmother"

Without even looking once at Wu Ming Er, he immediately climbed the stairs to be in his room. Seeing him gone, Wu Ming Er sighed in relief.
Even after 2 years, Yang Kai Zhe is still a mystery to him. They barely talked to each other anyway.

"Xiao Yang is graduating. He only come home once awhile"

"What will he do after this ? Worked at the company ?"

"Does he seems like someone who can manage the company ah ?"

"I also don't see myself as someone who can manage it ah"

"Nonsense, if not you then who else can manage it ?"

Wu Ming Er sighed. This people really only turned a blind eye to that one person. It will be no use even if they keep on arguing. Also, he already lost his appetite talking about it.

"I better go home now"

Wu Ming Er get up and washed his hand. When he turned, he realized that Yang Kai Zhe is also there in the kitchen. Apparently he came down for a drink. He probably thought that Wu Ming Er already left. That explained his slightly shocked expression when he saw Wu Ming Er in the kitchen.

"Heard that you are graduating already"

Wu Ming Er feels like it will be pointless to start a conversation. He wasn't expecting the other to say something back but he did.

"Uh, yeah"

Such a simple reply, Wu Ming Er don't know what else to say.
He then wants to go out quickly so that he can go home already.

"......goodluck for GaoKao"

When Wu Ming Er heard that, he thought that he was hearing things but Yang Kai Zhe really said it to him. He only faintly thanked the guys before he left. Wu Ming Er grabbed his bag from the dining table, bid his grandmother farewell and walk out from the house. Only then that he can finally breath properly.

(GaoKao- national entrance exam to pursue higher education)

Last time, he was furious because of old man Wu, this time it was because of the old lady. Managing the company is not the problem at all. The problem is nobody ever asked if he has a dream. His own dream. Everyone thinks that he is willing just because he is still young. Being young doesn't mean that he never planned anything for his future.
The thing with Yang Kai Zhe, he never hate the guy. He somehow thinked of him as his brother since he was an only child.
Yang Kai Zhe is pretty much the same like him. Nobody ever asked about his dream or what he wanted to be in the future. They mindlessly throw him to the side everytime.
Even if it was like that, Yang Kai Zhe has worked hard to gain his place. And Wu Ming Er wasn't an idiot to not know why Yang Kai Zhe took Business Studies in the first place.

Yang Kai Zhe is legally a Wu but  he was a heir from a daughter compared to Wu Ming Er who was a heir from a son in that household. That is why everyone turning a blind eye to him.
Also, the surname Yang was from his father.

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