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After spending the whole night rolling in bed until he don't know when did he fall asleep, Wu Ming Er woke up feeling restless. After all, he still couldn't figure out as to why Gu Wang Yi smoked.
Today, he can't find Gu Wang Yi waiting at the parking lot of his apartment building so he decided to just take the bus.
Soon after, he saw Lin Ka Ye getting in the bus too.

(Yeah LKY is here, whoever missed this boy, put ur hands up 🙋🏼)

"My friend Xiao Wu, finally get to see you. Thought brother Gu locked you in his home already"

Give it to Lin Ka Ye for being the centre of attention by just saying one words. Right after he said it, almost everyone in that bus turned to them. The girls started whispering to each other. Wu Ming Er can feel the headache coming. Unfortunately, he forgot that his old phone is still in Gu Wang Yi's possession and that his new phone barely has any song. So, he could just bear with it for now.

"Eh I told you that there is something between Gu Wang Yi and Wu Ming Er. I saw them going to school together many times already. They are way too close ah. Even the way Lin Ka Ye say it, confirmed it already"

"How could it be. They are both guys ah. They are probably just a good friends"

"Don't ever say that I was wrong ah. At this point, I can say that they kissed already. I knew it"

(A real fujoshi will always know. You can't hide anything from them WME. They just know)

Good thing that Wu Ming Er wasn't in the middle of drinking or eating something, or else he would choked to death already. He didn't know how that girl know about the kiss but he really don't feel good of anyone knowing about it.
Unlike Gu Wang Yi, he cared about their future. It doesn't matter even if it was just by chance that she guessed it right.

"Aiya, girls and their imagination really can't be helped. So rotten ah, so rotten"

Lin Ka Ye said it while laughing. He wasn't stupid to not know that Wu Ming Er was worried of being exposed. He too, didn't want it for his friend. It was kind of his fault anyway for always teasing Wu Ming Er about it. After he said it, the whispering gradually lessen.
Only then that Wu Ming Er can breath properly as he thanked Lin Ka Ye silently.


This is the first time that Gu Wang Yi didn't come to school. Because of that, his fans can't stop worrying about their idol. Once a while, a few girls will come by class 5-2 only to be gone the next second. Wu Ming Er was asked a few times by his classmates and teachers but he can only replied them with "I don't know" because he was also clueless like them.

"Could it be that brother Gu fall sick ah ?"

Lin Ka Ye asked while they are having lunch. Since the main idol didn't come, the amount of fans that usually bother them during lunch also not much.
The season is changing. So, it could be true that Gu Wang Yi didn't come to school because he was sick.
In a few days, the temperature will rise. One can easily get chapped lips and fever. It is better not to get sick during this season because it will be harder to get better than on normal days. Thinking about Gu Wang Yi being sick, Wu Ming Er can't stop himself from being worried.

Realizing the frowning face next to him, Lin Ka Ye simply bring out his phone to give Gu Wang Yi a call. Knowing Wu Ming Er, he will be so worried that he can't focus at all. He don't want Wu Ming Er to be distracted in class later. So, it is better to check on Gu Wang Yi instead of blindly worrying.

"Oi Gu Wang Yi, you skipped school ah. You fall sick ?"

Lin Ka Ye said after the line got connected. Wu Ming Er only stared at Lin Ka Ye as he asked because although he was curious, he doesn't want to make it seems obvious that he cared. He patiently waited instead of glueing himself by Lin Ka Ye's side.

"Xiao Wu is here with me. We are eating lunch"

The other side said something and Lin Ka Ye immediately turned to Wu Ming Er and study his expression for awhile. Wu Ming Er can't help but raised one of his eyebrows when the later did that to him.

"He seems fine to me. Anyway, why didn't you come to school if you aren't sick ?"

"Hospital ?! Why are you there ?!Are you ok ?!"

Hearing Lin Ka Ye alarming voice, Wu Ming Er can't help but feels alarmed too. What more, Lin Ka Ye even mentioning about hospital so how can he still be calm. He was about to snatch the phone but the he heard Lin Ka Ye saying the next word that makes him calm down immediately.

"If you are ok then it is fine. You will come tomorrow then ?"

"I'm not the one missing you but there is a certain someone who wasn't able to swallow anything for lunch because of you"

Hearing that coming out from Lin Ka Ye's mouth, the first thing that Wu Ming Er do is immediately give Lin Ka Ye a kick under the table. After that, he snatched the phone and ended the call immediately before Lin Ka Ye can says more nonsense.

"You did that on purpose !"

"Xiao Wu, you kicked like a man ah. I think my leg is broken"

"Your mother like a man !!! Lin Ka Ye, if you dare to say more nonsense, believe it that not only your leg will be broken"

Lin Ka Ye laughed looking at Wu Ming Er's furious face. This person, just now obviously was mopping like a kitten missing their owner. He won't eat no matter what but after a single call, he changed so drastically.

"I helped you to ease your heart but in the end I got kicked at my leg. This life is so unfair ah"

"Who ever said that my heart wasn't at ease ?"

"No need to say it. I can read it on your face"

Wu Ming Er face got even redder. Lin Ka Ye indeed having the time of his life. It doesn't matter being kicked a few times. As long as he can tease Wu Ming Er a bit, then he already feel good.

(LKY can't even tease WME when GWY there, so I let him have some fun. Don't be mad ah WME)


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