Chapter 21

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Dipper P.O.V

I glance back at my family as I continue to walk with Bill. It's obvious that things will never be the same between us. I've probably just lost them forever.

I sigh softly and walk hand in hand with Bill. I do love him, very much, but I don't want to have to choose between the one I love and my family.

"I'm glad that you stood up for yourself, Pine Tree, that took courage," Bill compliments me.

I shrug and sigh softly. He stops walking and lifts my chin so I am looking into his eye.

"I know that you didn't like doing it, but you did it and I'm proud you did."

"I'm not," I mumble.

He kisses my lips gently as a sign of comfort. I can't help but smile. Bill makes me happy. I love my family because I have to, but they don't make me as happy as Bill does.

"It'll be okay, Pine Tree," he says reassuringly.

I nod after a moment and hug him rather tightly. He hugs me and picks me up off the ground. I wrap my legs around his waist as he walks.

I am unsure of where we are going. I ask but Bill gives no answer. After a while, I give up and just let him carry me. I suppose that I don't really care that much anyway. As long as Bill and I are together then I am happy.

"Why won't you tell me where we're going?"

"Because it's a surprise," he tells me.

I sigh and continue to let him carry me to where ever we are going. I don't exactly care that much. The only reason I want to know is that I'm curious.

I don't know where Bill is taking me and he refuses to tell me. I've given up trying to find out because each time Bill simply tells me that it's a surprise.

"I wish you would tell me," I whine softly.

"We'll be there soon," he replies.

I sigh and look around the forest as we walk. We're very deep in the woods. My curiosity begins to eat away at me and makes me wonder what could possibly be out here. I would ask but I know that Bill won't tell me. He's determined to keep it a surprise.

After a while, it feels like Bill has been walking for hours. The sun has set and the forest is pitch black. I can hardly see at all. Bill can obviously see but I can't.

I grow more and more tired as he continues to walk. Today has been very stressful and I was already tired before all the fighting started.

If I could, I would gladly go back in time and change the events of today. I wouldn't tell Mabel about Bill and we wouldn't fight. She wouldn't tell Ford and Stan. I wouldn't have to choose between Bill and my family.

Eventually, I fall asleep in his arms. I guess I'll see what the surprise is when I wake up.

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