Chapter 32

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Dipper P.O.V

It quickly becomes obvious that the reason I am following myself is that this is the version of myself that rightfully belongs in this dimension. To him, I am an intruder.

I take a cautious step back from the gun he is holding. It all makes sense now. Bill found me dead because of this version of myself. One could look at it as some form of suicide.

"Um, hey, could you maybe put the gun down and talk about this?" I ask, hoping that he'll at least be rational.

He only continues to point the gun at me. I can see that his eyes are bloodshot with stress and fear. He's been through quite a lot. 

"You shouldn't be here. You shouldn't have ever let him get to you. Now you have to die," he says, shakily holding the gun in direct line with my skull.

I can tell that he doesn't want to do this. I wouldn't want to do this either.  I'm not sure I could kill myself, even if I was from another dimension. But I know that he's done it before if Bill found me dead. I am my own murderer.

"He isn't as bad as we once thought. He's changed. Bill-," he cuts me off.

"Don't say his name! He's evil! He's using you! He cannot change for any version of us! He brings nothing but pain and torture!" he yells, shoving the gun closer.

I take another step back to put some distance between us. He doesn't seem to want to listen to reason. Somehow, I am going to have to escape him and get to Bill.

"You can't kill me. We promised Mabel nothing bad would ever happen to us. I have to get back to her. I can get him to take me back and it'll be like none of this ever happened," I reason, hoping he might consider letting me go.

"Oh please, if you're here with him then you've already cut all your ties with her. You betrayed your own family to be with a monster that brainwashed you. You're a rogue and rogues can't be allowed to live."

I bite the inside of my cheek as he rejects my offer. I'm quickly running out of options and I realize this. It won't be much longer before he finally just shoots me.

"I thought what I was doing was wrong too. I thought that I must have been crazy. But when I actually gave him a chance I realized that he wasn't the same. He was willing to go back in time to save me from being killed tonight and he'll do it again! So if you're going to kill me just go ahead and do it already!" I snap, figuring I have nothing else to lose at this point.

Suddenly his gun moves to the side and he fires. The bullet goes flying by but has no real target. His face shows pure terror and only then do I realize that he was firing at Bill. Things are about to get very interesting.

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