Chapter 8

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Dipper P.O.V

When I wake up I am surprised to see that I am in bed at the Mystery Shack. It makes everything that previously took place feel like a dream, but I know that it wasn't. It couldn't have been a dream.

I sit up and receive a rather painful reminder that it wasn't a dream. I sigh and run my fingers through my hair as I look around the room. Bill isn't here and that gives me an odd feeling. It's almost as if I expected him to be here.

'Why would Bill be here? Why would he stay? He's an inter dimensional dream demon, he obviously has better things to do. Why should he stay and cuddle with some pathetic human that he probably doesn't even care about?'

I force myself out of bed and shuffle to the bathroom. I've been outside all day and I wish to be clean.

I turn on the water in the shower and sigh. After a few moments, I strip down and check the temperature. It's still rather cold for my liking.

I look at myself in the mirror for a couple minutes. While glancing lower I happen to notice some bruises on my hips. Bill was grabbing me a bit rough while we had sex.

'He probably doesn't know his own strength when it comes to fragile little humans.'

The water still feels a bit cold when I step into the shower. It causes me to shiver before it finally seems to warm up.

A good bit of dirt and grass is washed from my hair as I shower. I would've preferred to be intimate indoors, but we got caught up in the moment. I was very caught up in the pleasure.

When Bill touched me it was like everything stopped. It was just us. There was no one else who would interfere. He made me forget about all of my fear. He made me feel pleasure and made me feel wanted. Bill wanted me.

I lean my head against the tile wall of the shower and sigh. The warm water running down my back feels especially nice. I sigh as I stand under the water for a good while because it feels relaxing. I scrub myself to get any remaining grass stains off of my body and then get out of the shower. 

I wrap a towel around my waist and walk back to my room. I close the door and dry off my hair before putting on some clean clothes and laying on my bed. I stare at the ceiling and sigh. 

Without Bill around it just seems like the room is empty. I am alone, which seems to be a recurring scenario in my life. Bill made that feeling go away. That is why I want him back. Never before have I had such controversial feelings for someone. 

Bill terrifies me but yet I still somehow feel attracted to him. I don't know why. I simply can't stop myself from wanting him. I hope what happened between us wasn't a one night stand. 

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